Happy New Year to alll. 2025 is shaping up to be a banner year...... stay tuned y'all!!!!!!!!
Hello to all my fans!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!! how time flies!! 6 Months since Ive updated this page!! so much has happened... The CD Came out on June 21st, Gaining poularity and more fans around the world with Summer a veritable whirlwind of gigs, both here in NYC & S. Florida, going back & forth! I also recorded a "Smooth Jazz" Version of the Tune: "Ginetta", Funky Baby!!!!!! The radio campaign started in early September and the CD is moving up the charts!! Hurray! Also it was in 5 categories in the Grammy race, but alas, No Grammy nod..Yet! I recently contracted a publicity person to spread the gospel of Ginetta's Vendetta, specifically the new CD: Fun Size. Also applied, with my full NYC band ,to OSAKA 2025... A music residency for next year... Fingers crossd y'all.... And finally wrote out a new resume... (Located on the resume page!) Dang, Ive done ALOT & I was trying to keep it short!! ha ha!!! In the meantime , Please support Live Jazz & Also but my CDS!!!!! Peace out!
Hi To all MY Fans!!!! My fabulous Birthday Month is coming to a close... AND The CD is Ready for pressing, Distribution & Sale!!!! Alot of work, what with Mixing, Listening, Mastering, Listening (A Big Thank you To Rod Shepard!) Copyrights, Liscensing, Royalty Distribution, Setting up the CDBaby Page plus my Website!!! Give Thanks all is ready for the roll out.. Pre-sales On May 31, The CD drops on THe Summer Solstice!! June 21!!!! Negotiating with Radio Promotors as well....Back to NYC for the early part of June to Continue the Celebratation, for Gigs, Family Get togethers and More!!!! Stay Tuned!!!!
Hey everyone!!!! The CD is "In The Can"!!! What does that mean?? That the recordig went great! How could it NOT with all those fabulous players!!!?? We also got some great video footage as well (Thanks Tommy!) I've already uploaded 2 new videos to my Youtube page & My website.The Christmas tune I was commissioned to rearrange turned out wonderfully & the composer was thrilled!! Hurray (Can you say "Best Arranger For Jazz Composition" anybody?) My Job now is to listen to everything and make copius notes that the engineer & myself can work with!! Also the cover art/photos/credits need to be designed... Plus the copyrights, Licensing, etc.etc.etc.. In the meantime Busy playing both here in NYC & S. Florida! Hurray!! Plus I have a great article come out on me in the Hollywood, Fla. Newspaper: Cahoots!! Thank you Norbert & Cap!! My Chops feel good, May it continue to be so.....
Hi all. Already moving towards The Spring Equinox.... Wow.. Many changes this winter.. we lost our Beloved Patriarch on Christmas Day.... Too sudden But he had a wonderful & Long Life...:(
I have been very busy preparing for the New CD: "Fun Size" with a few original tunes, from me & 2 other contributors...!! It is an involved & Arduos process preparing for it with many moving parts, But I have my super recording band out of NYC (All TOP Players!!) & am getting all the charts in order as well as rehersal time & the actual record date which will be ON the Spring equinox...3/21/24!!!! Hurray!! In the meantime playing up a storm both here in Florida & NYC!!!! Onward....
Happy Holidays Y'all!!!!!!!! So wonderful to be steady working both here in S. Florida AND Back in NYC once a month with my swinging musicians in both locations!!! How lucky can I get!? I look forward to the new year when I may continue to spread the gospel of Jazz Far & wide, Once again , through national and International touring!!! In the meantime , staying busy playing many gigs, (Give Thanks) In perfect Chops & Voice!!!! I wish you all a Happy & Healthy Holiday Season!!!!!
Hello All & Happy Autumnal Equinox... It is a new season.... I have been traveling back & forth to NYC , doing many gigs both in town & in S. Florida, Tho driving here is a bit of a challenge! especially in the rain... Wow!! I also have decided to give up riding my bicycle in NYC (After 40 Winters!) due to a mishap & a close call. I shall be putting on my walking shoes & possibly seeing alot more of my city that I've missed as I'm usually whizzing by on a bike!!! My chops feel good, Give Thanks & New music is coming soooooooon... stay tuned Y'all!
Hey Y'all...Can ya Beleive I haven't written here for over 6 months?!!! Wow!!!! Ive been busy, both here & In NYC!!!! hurray!! It's been a great Spring/Summer traveling back & forth between NYC & S. Florida... Ive booked more shows in town which is great as Florida slows down a bit in the summer... My Chops are feeling good (Give Thanks!!) & I've been playing with some fabulous musicians & getting some great publicity as well, with a cover on The Jazz & Blues Mag, Plus a great interview & article in Musicwoman Magazine! The New CD is percolating in my head and I'm planning to record it in the fall with my amazing NYC band!!! Also trying to book some shows in Beautiful Barcelona.....I am continuing my musical mission as a Jazz ambassador playing, teaching & promoting: "All things Cool, All Things Jazz, All Things Ginetta!" Until next time, Keep an eye on my live performances & come out & listen to Ginetta's Vendetta (c.) !!! Peace Thru Music!!!
Happy New Year to one & All!!! AND Happy Chinese New Year!!! The year of the Rabbit!!! That means blessings will multiply like rabbits!!! :) I Have been very busy playig alot and going back & forth to NYC. Ive taken a bit of a lighter work load so as to give my "Chops" & Voice a bit of rest! Some wonderful quality shows coming up, specifically the April 7th show sponsored by the sunshine Jazz Organization, which will Feature me as a Jazz Ambassador with a swinging band...!! Go to www.sunshineJazz.org. I have also been honored to Play on International Women's Day (3/11) for Broward International Women's Club! Check the Showdates page for current venues!!!! Until next time Fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!XXOO
Hello Fans!! One & all!!! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving??!!! I was working a "Double" that day. Just the way I Like it!! Tho I did cook a DelishTurkey with our "family recipe" stuffing coming out PERFECT on Wednesday night, celebrating with friends here in S. Florida! Back to NYC on Monday December 5th for my monthly residency at the beautiful Hotel, The Chelsea Renaissance on west 25th street!!!! I get to play with my Fave Piano player Jon Davis and various wonderful sidemen.....Thank you Leo for having us! The holiday season is going into high gear & I will continue my musical ministry preaching the gospel of Jazz Both in NYC, S. Florida & beyond..... Stay Tuned!!!!!!
Hey Y'all.. Can ya Beleive it is Autumn already!!!!!! wow! where has the Summer gone...? well, Ive been back & forth to NYC & Florida every Month! Ive had some swinging gigs in NYC with my fabulous road band at Various venues across the City!! So cool.. Plus trips upstate to visit The Big Popper!!! Very busy as well in S. Florida spreading the gospel of Jazz!!! I am blessed to be working with some amazing musicians & continuing the legacy of this great music, LIVE!!!
Hi Everyone... We are back safe & sound from an incredible Journey to the near East!!! Uzbekistan, Site of the Spice route, Silk Worms, ancient City of Ichan Kala, and more.. So Many amazings and wonderful musical happenings that I dedicated a whole page to it on this website.. Ceck Out my "Uzbekistan" Page!
Happy Spring Equinox all!!!! Another beautiful Day in S. Florida!! Been busy Playing up a storm, thankfully with my steady Friday at the 33rd street wine bar & other venues all around town. I went back to NYC in the 2nd week of March & had a wonderful productive Visit!! Did my taxes, got my lease renewal, saw my friends & Neighbors and brought spring with me with two (2) 65 degree days!! Plus I got to visit family AND got my Uzbek Visa to travel there for international Jazz Day!!! Hurray!!! I also have my NYC band going with me.... stay tuned for live-streams from abroad!!! Yee-ha! Unfortunately War has commenced in a region we have previously visited... :( As always we will Pray For Peace & Play for Peace as Jazz Ambassadors.... much love & light to you all!
Hello to all my fans! Its now moving toward the End of February... wow, Tempis Fugit baby!!!! (That means Time Flies for all you folks who dont speak Latin...) anyway, I am negotiating once again with the U.S. Embassy program to bring Ginetta's Vendetta to Tashkent , Uzbekistan for International Jazz Day in April!!!! Woo-Hoo!!! How exciting.. Meanwhile I went Back to NYC in January (Kriekey, Whose idea was THAT???) BRRRRRRR!!!!! Saw some friends & Family & chilled in my beautiful home in Chelsea! hurray! I also went to the Voice doctor & Unfortunately I have been diagnosed with pre-nodules on my vocal chords... Ugh... Im advised to speak much less (uh-oh!!) and to start my vocalizing exercises which had fallen by the wayside in my daily routine.. Not Good! I am not allowed to do any "Belting" which means singing hard & very loud, but hopefully I am progressing to a full recovery with my diligent vocal drills & periods of silence... hmmm... anyway, texting is a wonderful form of communication, plus I get to think about what I say before I say it.. ha ha ha....I will be up to snuff by the time our trips comes around.Down in Florida I am blessed to be working with some amazing musicians & continuing my Jazz Ministry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi everyone & Happy Holidays!!!!!!!! what???!!! I Cannot beleive I Have Not updated this News Blog in MONTHS! I Have been seriously remiss... Yikes.. Anyway, I've been back & Forth to My beautiful Home in NYC , a few times, again in July, I spent time there enjoying the weather, doing some shows, catching up with family & Friends, etc. Then in September I went to the magical city of Santa Fe New Mexico to visit my best friend Anna & catch Chris Botti on the opening night of his tour!! It was so inspiring to hear his fabulous band & special Guests, which I asked him to add me on to when we chatted after the show... (Fingers crossed!) Then Back to Florida working 3-4 nights a week!! Hurray!!! Back to NYC in October for a gig at the cool new venue CobyClub NYC, sort of an underground speakeasy in my neighborhood. Also got together with my whole family for the first time since this pandemic hit to celebrate my Brother John's Life... In November I had a bunch of gigs, most importantly, my concert featuring the fabulous Jesse Jones Jr. what a gasser!!! Back up to NYC in early December to visit Family & enjoy my apartment & My city.... I Have the best of both worlds!! Give Thanks..... May blessings abound!!!
Hello to all My fans!!!!! What a wonderful Spring & BIRTHDAY Month!! (May!) As usual I celebrate from The first of May, Beltane To Memorial Day...!!! I was in NYC for the first part of May, visiting w/ Friends, Family & Musicians , Playing a super packed Mother's Day gig back in Harlem (!) Then a boat ride on the Hudson with the fabulous Musicians Ilya Lushtak & Phillip Harper. Then off to a swingin' Jam session at Big Nicks in Jersey 9Nick Scheuble, Leonike Scheuble, Ilya Lushtak, Bill Crow & Chuggy!) Then, of course, a few Birthday celebrations in town & upstate!!! What a ball to be back home in my beautiful apartment, with NYC coming out of its self imposed exile! Yay!!! Then Back to S. Florida with a packed schedule...Played out the Month with a fabulous standing room only crowd & swinging quartet at Blue Jean Blues!!!! Onward & upward!!!
Hi!!!!!!!!!! Celebrating The Spring Equinox already!!! Hurray, Tho Its always warm here!!! :) I am back in S. Florida since Early March.... Playing at various venues w/ real Live Piano Players, The Fabulous Brad Keller & Eero Turannan, Howie Snider Etc..... So wondeful to play with actual musicians again!! Hurray!!! Have spoke with dozens of Paiano Players as well , "Meeting' them on the phone so now I have a serious list of the baddest in S. Florida, In anticipation of the many gigs that will be rolling in!!! I also was able to get my first dose of the Moderna Vaccine....Yay!!! No obvious Personality changes or extra appendages... Ha ha ha!!! Looking forward to my second shot when I will then be ready to travel & Mingle & Visit w/ family!!! Hurray!!! Blessings abound!
Hello to all!!!! Its the middle of February already!!!! Krikey! How time flies...... I writing this from Freezing NYC where I arrived on Friday night... OMG, The flight was PACKED!!!!!!!! Un'Freakin'Beleiveable to put folks at risk that way.... Not ONE seat was empty... A VERY stressful 3 hours... Lets hope I was suitably protected....I am really dissapointed in American Airlines & Am dreading the flight back... O well... One day at a time.. ON a brighter note We have moved iinto a magnificent Bright & sunny apartment in the same buliding in Florida... so pretty & the beach is RIGHT outside our balcony... How soothing to hear the waves even more pronounced & to see the sky & Sand Blessings... Im missing it already but need to take care of my beautiful apartment & enjoy NYC...!! Hurray!!! Im continuing My livestream & its going on my ONE year anniversary next month!! Wow! I have been doing my Jazz gigs at the venue BJB & am so appreciative of the opportunity to continue my "Jazz Ministry" Live!!!! Folks seem to love it..... Also I urge you all to PLEASE join my Patreon Page to further support me & enjoy "never before seen' photos, Videos etc.......Much love till next time!
Hello all!!!!!!!! The Holiday season is upon us already!!!! wow... Time flies! I miss NYC especially during the holidays as there is nothing like "Christmas in New York", but I feel it is not prudent to travel during the holidays, as everyone & their Mother is traveling!!!! Yikes.... I have decided to stay here till January when I will fly to NYC to check in, Visit & Hopefully do a few shows as well.... Maybe a new recording??? How exciting!!!! Meanwhile here in S. Florida I continue to hammer at club owners (outside) To hire a live band.... Ive decided not to say "Jazz" as that seems to scare off folks....?!?! Can you say "Dinner Music"?? ha ha ha!!! :) I remain hopeful & wish all of you Health, Peace & Love in this Holiday season!!
Hi Everyone!!!!!!!!!! Almost Halloween, Or Samhain, as The Ancients Called it... The original New Year's Eve!!! I have been in S. Florida for over 2 months & 1/2, & have settled into a wonderful daily routine of riding my bicycle to the beautiful Nature preserve & Running early in the day, (while seeing all kinds of beautiful wildlife, Iguans, Egrets, Ibis, Turtles, Racoons, Blue Herons) then coming back to practice, work on new tunes, do my shows, sit on the beach, (spotting the occasional Manatee, & Sting Ray!) not to mention Pelicans, Sandpipers, Osprey & More! I am also doing some solo live shows out (!) And, as usual, taking super precautions to maintain my perfect health!!! I Find they are a bit more relaxed down here, (Can you say "Head in the Sand?!) but in a weird way it's sort of liberating.....! As always, Maintain social distance, Mask up & wash Yo Hands y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello All!!! Big changes recently .... I decided to help my boyfrined move down to S. Florida & will stay a while as I Love it here! I am a tropical baby at heart & find the sea a wonderful & restorative tonic for the soul....I have also re-connected with some old friends & super musicians which lets me feel right at home!!! We are sharing a spacious & lovely apartment right on the beach!!! What a treat to be able to see the ever-changing Sea & listen to the constant sound of waves......Quite a change from Seventh avenue with the constant din of fire trucks, Sirens, Jackhammers, traffic, helicoptors & protests.... ha ha ha!!!! Its not that bad as I DO love my beautiful NYC!!!! :)
Hi!!!!!!! Its been a Gorgeous Hot Summer, Not too stickey with sunny days & beautiful Evenings!!!! We had a terrific rainstorm with tons of Rain, Thinder & Lightning the other day.. I Love it!! Its so cleansing for the air & wonderful for ALL THE TREES! Yay! Im doing only 1 or 2 Livestreams per week as I now have a steady Friday gig & am also preparing to record for the Alabama Women's Jazz Festival, which is going Virtual!! O well.. that means no travel which is Great ... But Now I must have everthing done way before hand... A "New Normal" indeed!!!!!! All is well & Give Thanks my health is wonderful as are all my Loved ones..... Stay Safe y'all & Mask Up!!!!!
Happy Summer & Happy 4th everyone! What gorgeous weather we've been having here in NYC, tho we do need some more rain....Things are opening up here with outdoor dining terraces, tents, wooden patio areas with large planter boxes springing up in the street, on the sidewalk, in the bikes lanes, (!) etc... I find it adds a certain charm with all the pretty lights, Umbrellas & plants lending a festive air to the city streets, with folks lounging outside & enjoying the beautiful summer nights. For someone who dreads air-conditioning I love this new Normal! My show is on it's 15th week, (!) & still going strong with more & more folks around the globe tuning in!! I am learning so much & having a ball doing it as well as growing my musical repetoire by leaps & bounds.... Hurray!!!!
Hello To all my new fans & consistant "Old Friends"! It's already June & We have been having a ball with "Tenor Madness Week", "Birthday Week" & various wonderful musical interludes! My fan in London, Bruce H. suggested we change the name of the show to "Cool Jazz W/ The Masters (Live from NYC") I love it & think it fitting as I am constantly playing along with them. Facebook, however has other ideas due to Licensing & copyright restrictions...... but I will continue to feature at least 2 or 3 "Cover" tunes in my relentless quest as an Ambassador of Jazz to bring Joy, levity & education thru music! I cannot do that without featuring some of the Classic & highly-esteemed Jazz-Masters! Music most definately needed in these difficult times! Please Join me nightly Tuesday-Saturday for "Trumpet Week" as I play, sing, tell varous "Tales From The Road' & generally continue to create a sense of community online & a viable revenue stream for me (!) during this industry shut-down! As always, Peace Thru Music & Stay positive y'all!
Hi All!!!!!!! It's My BIRTHDAY WEEK!! hurray!! So many wonderful blessings from morning birdsong on the roof to friends & family video chatting, texting, Visiting (At a Distance) & Gifts (!) plus a super, very well-attended Birthday Show!! Also My Paypal $$ is filling up slowly but surely & I am convinced I will be able to pay June rent thru my show earnings!! Yay!!! A wonderful month so far, May it continue to Be So, as we move to 8 solid weeks of shows & quarantine! Yikes! I have been out and about a bit more, often on the roof for morning coffee (Such a privilege!) ) & on rare shopping excursions to the market, as SELDOM as possible because the sanitizing process is so lengthy & time consuming. Ai Yai Yai! I prefer to buy a little fruit & veggies from the fruit man occasionally, as there are no lines & it is in the open air.....Plus I usually have exact change so any direct contact is easily avoided! Visiting w/ masks on is a bit annoying as I have to speak louder while wearing them, but very neccesary & a risk I'm not willing to take! Anyway, Im doing great & wish you all the same!! "See" you Tuesday-Saturday night at 6:00 p.m. est!
Hi everyone... Starting my Fifth (5!) week of Quarentine... Wow!!!!!!!. I have only left the apartment twice to go to the Market evry 2 weeks... Today makes another 2 weeks but I dont need anything yet, Thankfully!!! My boyfriend sent a shipment of produce & fruit the other day! HURRAY! Also I have a beautiful roof deck to take fresh air and look at the sky when neccesary!!!! (Especially on the Full Moon!!) I have also, a mini-stepper ,in my apartment that I use every night in place of running!!! And I HAVE YOU ALL (!) Joining me every Single night to create a sense of community for me & lessen my Isolation! Thank you!!!!!! Doing this show , going on my 31st show in a row, has been truely a blessing for me & I'm hoping, for you all as well.....!? THank you for tuning in each & every night, or whenever you are able to..... & for the donations!!!! $ Which are a lifeline & will help keep me afloat in these uncertain times..... P.S. Donate button is on my home, music & Contact pages!!!!! ha ha!!!!! :) "See" You tonight @ 6:00 p.m. XXXOOOO
Hello To all My fans New & Old..... THANK YOU for such an amazing continual outpouring of support & Community as I do My daily show.... I have been on a absolute Quarentine (Not Leaving My apartment) for 2 weeks..!! I have been "Officially" Cleared from My Plane trip as Im home and safe , sound & Healthy! Hurray!! I am now On my 18th Show in a row tonight 4/6/20!!!!! WoW! Saturday we had over 1,340 views & the doggone Video DID NOT post to my page... I had to do it another way, which resulted in me losing the view count.. Dang It!! www.Facebook.com/GinettaSilvi (Not sure how to get a live link here!) I'm still Plugging away & Hope that My "Virtual" Tip Bucket will get a bit more "Action" $$$ ..... Ha Ha!!!!!! Much Love , Light & Health to all & I will "See" You tonight & every night!!
Hello To all & may I say PLEASE keep your spirits up in these challenging times..... I Just returned from Mexico.... and what an ordeal that was, racing the clock....... The Airline Volaris refused to change my flight even in this global emergency charging me $300.00...!!!! WHat?!?! It was cheaper to buy new tickets... They also refused to cancel My existing reservation even tho I was RIGHT THERE at the ticket counter, where Hordes of people were about to surge forth ..... Arghhhhhhhh!!!! Give Thanks I had my Industrial Mask on & Gloves.... yikes..... They also Refused to seat My 96 Year old Pop (!) in the Premium Section, (unless I paid again) where No One was after I Complained that someone was coughing right behind him! We Moved him anyway! Unbeleivable! It's called Karma Baby, wait & see.......I still cannot get thru 6 days later!!!!!!!!! Give Thanks I was able to get My Pop & Sister home all together on the Non-stop (Less Chance of Contagion!) to JFK.....Anyway, of course, all Of MY shows had been cancelled... I went a Bit early to visit but had I done my usual flying in a day before the show, I would NEVER have gone at all! On the bright side I got to visit with all my dear friends (And practiced "Social Distancing") which was not really a thing there as of yet (!), went for some runs, & got to play with a few folks... Unfortunately I did not get to see Or rehearse with my guys at all.....The amazing Guadalajara Version Of The Vendetta: Willy "La Pachita" Zavala, Juan Manueal Ayala & Archie "El Chido" Salcedo..... Now I must keep myself away from folks for 2 weeks...... In the meantime I will be Live streaming a "Cool Jazz From NYC" on my facebook.com/ginettaSilvi page Nightly at 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard times.. Please continue to support musicians in this troubled times by buying CDs (Digitally ONLY as the warehouse has Shut Down) & contributing online As soon as I can figure out how to post a virtual Tip Bucket!!!!! ..... Much Love!!!!
Hello All......March already!?! We have been blessed here in NYC with a Mild winter!! I have not been as busy as I'd like but have spent my time sitting in with folks, meeting new musicians , playing outside, getting my chops stronger & generally preparing for a an onslaught of musical opportunities & wealth!!!! Looking forward to my annual tour in Mexico this month with my stellar band & I remain hopeful that more gigs, tours travels & festivals are on the way..... In the meantime, may we "find the Sacred in the ordinary & The Mystical in the mundane".... (Quote from the book: Simple Abundance" by Sarah Ban Breathnach)
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! 2020 is upon us... May we all have 2020 vision & see the need for Kindness, Climate awareness, Peace , more Music & Art and the right to pursue happiness with each of us looking out for another..... The reviews for my CD are coming in & they are Fabulous! (Go to my Press page for links!) I'm so happy to know others appreciate all my talents & hard work... Thank you all & may Festivals & tours follow!
Hello All & Happy Holday saeson!! Can you Beleive its December already??? The CD is doing well & Ive been doing various radio interviews to help promote it... Thank you : KXCI, WJSU, WUMR & WICN, plus the 70 plus stations spinning "Pocketful Of Cool"!!!! It seems the favorite is "All Choke & No Slide" & "African Queen"! Thanks to Shaunna of Jazzzdog productions for promoting it!!! Ive also hired a publicity person to help get my name out there with CD reviews & more press!!!! Yay!! Ive also found another cool venue to play in: The Beach Cafe!!! Onward & upward into the New Year!!!! May it prosper us all in Perfect Chops, Voice, Health & Success!!!! $$*++++
Hi everyone!!!!! Just back from another "Diplomatic Immunity tour", this time to the enchanting Republic of Moldova in eastern Europe... Previously a part of Romania & then Russia, these amazing folks speak Both languages fluently as well as a bit of English in the capital city of Chisinau!!! We were thrlled to be put up in the most beautiful & quaint hotel in the middle of the city (The Zentrum) so that we were able to walk to both major parks, Museums, restaurants, Churches & more!! Also the currency was most definately in our favor & the food was delicious & inexpensive!!! My room had a lovely Balcony, large windows that opened (!) Yay, heated bathroom floors & a kitchen!!! We appeared on a short live TV spot , plus played in 3 different parks around this small republic, traveling far & wide to see all parts of Moldava!! We also had the honor of meeting the U.S. ambassador, Dereck J. Hogan, an impressive man from California who speaks 3 languages (So far!!) What a thrill! Thanks to my amazing band, road Warriors all, & superlative musicians: Ilya "Lucious" Lushtak, "Hollywood Steve" Doyle & Nicky "Stir-Fry" SCheuble!!!!Thank you also to The wonderful Joe Merante for always supporting & promoting Ginetta's Vendetta (c.)!!!!
Hello all........The end Of August soon... wow!!! THE CD IS OUT!!!! Yay!!! I just got the physical copies last night!!!! So excited that all my hard work will soon pay off & I have a beutiful new addition to my "Musical Legacy"!!! I hope you all will order it on CDbaby..(The link is on my home page) I've not had alot of gigs so Ive been playing in the park , by myself, with some killer backing tracks on a small portable speaker! I find it kind of relaxing & get to blow & blow, building up my chops in a kind of annonymous way... plus I love it when folks come up & say how much the music lifts their spirits..... Yay! (The money isnt bad either!!) And I sell CDs as well!! Talk about coming Full Circle!!! That was my very first gig when I was starting out professionally here in NYC, Playing with the 9th Street Stompers in the park every day!!!! Wow, it seems like NOW I've really done it all!!!On another super note: Ginetta's Vendetta has been chosen to play in the lovely Republic of Moldova in September!!!! YAY!!! Bringing another swinging band.....Stay Tuned!!!!!!!
Hi To all My fans, New & Old!!!! what an amazing month its been!!! Some cool new Venues Ive Played with the most super musicians!!!!! Also, Much preparation & practice for my New CD: "Pocketful of Cool"(c.) which we recorded on June 20TH!!!!!Another swinging "Summer Solstice Session"!! Now back into the studio to mix!! Also on the new CD , My first ever , Instrumental Original!!! A swinging tune called "All Choke & No Slide" (c.) (It refers to a peanut butter sandwich!!!) Anyway, Im very exited about the new tune as I think it will be a super hit!!!!! We also did a sold Out show to celebrate The Summer Solstice in a gorgeous Hidden Garden in the Village... what a magical night..... stay tuned folks for more info, updates & CD release parties!!!!!!!
Hello all!!! Just back from my whirlwind trip to the gorgeous Island of Grand Cayman, thanks to my dear friend Cheryl Thompson who finally got me down there to play!! Thank you lady & a big Thank you also to Donna Myrie, female boss lady & Carnival queen who was the promotor responsible for my trip!!!!! I Got to play at the opening of the Cayman Carnival Batabana weekend festivities, Le Masque Ball! What a Gas with everyone donning magnificent feathered, sequined, bedazzled masks!!!! The bandstand was right near the water outside in the open warm air, Just like I Love it! Also got to listen to some other Female Divas (!) The Soca Queen Andrea Rivera & the French Violinist Mapy!!! Amazing to share the stage with them as well as some other wonderful steel drummers!! I want to Thank Corrine Bush for offering her home to me out in a beautiful area of Grand Cayman where I was able to run & see all kinds of parrots, Caymanian woodpeckers, birds of all kinds, trees and lush foilage....Then onto the main event , The Parade!! "On The Road" with bands, Costumes, music , sun!!!! I also want to mention Dennis , Max, Bobby and all the other great musicians I got to meet & Play & record with in my short stay, including Ali, super nice manager at the beautiful Club Havana.. another spot I hope to play at!!!! I cannot forget a shout out to all the wonderful women I met who came out to support me & listen.. Grenda, Nanette, Cheryl, etc, etc.... May I return for the massive Kaaboo Fest in February!!!!! (Fingers Crossed!)
Hi Everyone!!!! Spring is upon us!!!! Tho it doesnt feel like it!!!! Brrr.. Just back from My recent "Los Rudos Vuelven" tour 2019 in gorgeous Mexico....Mexico City (my 1st time!), San Miguel Allende, with a super band thanks to Antonio, bass player extroidinaire who provided top of the line musicians... a Joy to play with & a wonderful, but short stay in the scenic , colonial City!!!! Onto Guadalajara, Then Ajijic!!! That gem by the lake... Lake Chapala!!!! Thanks to Sally & to the promotor Mark,who made sure I was comfortable in a charming hotel right in the center of town!! Also a big shout out to the fabulous Band, Led by the monster Drummer Archie "El Chido" Salcedo & filled out by Willie "La Pachita" Zavala & an amazing bass player named Mundo!!!! Thank you !! Thanks to all my friends and fans who showed up to support us, as usual!!!! On to San Diego for a little R & R with my best friend & Psychic-Sister Anna & the family!!!! a gorgeous town tho we actually stayed on the island of Coronado & had a chance to see the Sea- lions in La Jolla!!! Yay! a wonderful trip & musical adventure!!!! Give thanks... Back in NYC now working diligently to produce my New CD: "Pocketful of Cool"......... out soon!!!!!!
Hello to all My old & new fans from Russia with LOVE, Indeed!!!! An amazing trip where I was treated like a serious Rock star!!! Press, Television, Interviews, photogs, Gigs, or shall I say: CONCERTS, each one sold out!!!!! Thanks to Victor Egupov for manifesting it ( And for all the translations!!) Then to Darren Thies and Joe Merante of the Forum for cultural engagement for making it a reality!!!! Also thanks to the Crew of people who helped us along the way... My darling Svetlana (translator, expeditor, CD seller & Friend!!) Natasha, Micheal, Dima (For all of his GREAT photos!!!), Darren (Again for his calm demeanor & expediency), as well as Gala, all the tour bus drivers, Sound guys, venue owners, and Consulate staff!!! A warm and wonderful best wishes to the stellar U.S. Embassador John Huntsman Jr. & His wife for their wonderful Hospitality & welcoming attitude! May you continue to work for Peace !!!!!!! My utmost respect & admiration.....
Hi everyone... August,September & October Flew by with gigs on which I played a little more each time.... Amazing fall is upon us!!!!! Preparing for my Diplomatice Immunity Tour!!! SO many things to do and provide!!! All is well and am thinking on my new CD , Out in early 2019!!!!!!! Stay tuned!
Hello All!!!!! July Almost Gone!!!!! Ive been busy, But unfortunately am battling some lip issues... Have had to lay off my beloved horn for a short while to rest but am still swinging & SINGING!!!!! Give Thanks for that!!! They dont call me the "Triple Threat Female Powerhouse" For nothing, Y'all!!!! :) I will continue to entertain with all Ive got and get back as soon as possible..Please send your best wishes, love & prayers , that I may be Blowin Strong again SOON! .....and come out & Support us while we continue to create Amazing Live Music!!!!
Hi everyone... June is upon us and Not very summer like!!?? anyway... starting the amazing Citylights Sailboat excursions!!!! (www.Sail-NYC.com)every Wednesday & Friday, weather permitting!!! Fingers crossed... Plus we have a smokin' new venue & steady Thursday at a spot in the village Called "Baby Brasa"!! (173 7th Ave. S.) Yay! The logistics for the "Diplomatic Immunity Tour" are coming together and we are hoping to add another country at the end .... again, Fingers crossed.... I'm trying to viualize the new video for my classic tune: "Behind Those Eyes" so that too, will soon manifest! Stay tuned & please support Live Music!!!
Hello & Happy May Day!!!! The start of my birthday month!!! Yay!! OF COURSE,( anyone who knows me!) May started off HOT!!!! How I LOVE the heat... anyway, just back from yet another super fun trip to one of my favorite midwestern cities: Omaha!!!! So pretty & Clean & Tons of magnificent massive "Grandfather"Trees that I love... As usual all the folks at the historic Loves Jazz & Art center were so kind ....! Thank you to my Buddy & "Handler" Dougie!!! We always have a blast together!!! Also to Joyce, who set up extra seminar opportunities for me (Along with Doug) at various middle & elementary schools.. As well as my fab time with the swinging students at U of O! I got to meet some amazing women running these schools (A big shout our to Dr. Carrie Mohr, Principal of Norris Middle School & to Dr. Susan Toohey, headmistress of an amazing charter school: Nelson Mandela Elementary!) Now, onto the BAND!!!! With barely more than a "soundcheck" on the evening of the first gig these guys swung Hard!!! on Drums: "Mr Las Vegas: Todd Alan Smith, on Piano (the 1st night!) "Professor" Tom Harvill, the 2nd night I got to play once again with keyboard master Kevin "Pretty Boy" Lloyd & on Bass Clark "Gable" Edson... An amazing musical happening!!!! All in all, a wonderful visit to "Swingin' O town"! Now onto The "Diplomatic Immunity Tour 2018" which Is Coming together!!! Yay!!!
Hello All & Happy Spring (!) not really.. I had the pleasure of going to the Amazing country of Mexico once again on my annual "Build Bridges, Not Walls" Tour!!!! what a gas!!! I flew out in perfect timing to miss 2 massive Nor'easters which dumped snow all over NYC while I was basking in the heat!! :) I got to play once again with the Fabulous Mexican "Vendetta" in Jalisco (Thank you Archie "El Cido" Salcedo & Willie "La Pachia" Zavala!!!! Thank you to Sally for the Sold out Show & to the amazing Jefe of "El Barco, Carlos!!!!! I was also able to make the trip cross country to the gorgeous City of San Miguel Allende & play with my favorite piano player there, Dulce Resillas!!!! Add to that a visit with Family & Friends, & this was a welcome respite fromthe LONG WINTER!!!! I'm back in Chilly NYC playing at Various local venues & preparing fro the new video!!!!! Onward.....
Hello to all my fans... Going on February already!!!! Ive been taking it easy, learning new tunes, planning the theme of the next CD, and negotiating with The State Department in The Far East of Russia!!!! How Exciting when this trip comes to fruition!!!!! We are hoping to add some shows in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ekaterinasburg as well..... Fingers crossed!! The amazing part is they can also pay for the Band!!!! What?!?! Yee-Ha!!!! The "Vendetta" Takes over Mother Russia!!! Can you say: "Diplomatic Immunity"??!! Tee Hee!!! :) My goal as an ammbassador of "Peace Thru Music" is continuing!!!! I will keep you all posted! In the meantime, please catch our regular shows at The Fabulous Harlem Tavern Brunch!!!!! Peace Out!!!
Happy New Year!!!!! May 2018 be as magical & adventure filled as 2017!!!! What a great year I Had!!!! So fun & musical!!!
Merry Christmas, Hannukah, Kwannza (!) and whatever else anyone celebrates!!! It is a great time to be in NYC & I have the pleasure of motoring around the city on a classic Yacht every night singing & Playing Christms Carols & swinging my way up & down the Hudson River with some of NYC's Finest musicians... (Ron Affif, Tom "Bad Mother" Hubbard, Tim "The Quiet Man" Givens, Ilya "Lucious" Lushtak, Ron "Action" Jackson, "Hollywood "Steve Doyle, Etc. Etc...)What a GAS!!!!!! Sort of like beng on the road, (The Water, actually) but we get to go home every night after the gig.....In between shows (Sometimes doubles, triples & occasionally a few quadruples!!!!!) Whew.....I am baking up a storm for all the cookies I give away & shopping, wrapping & having a ball!!!!! I look forward to seeing all of you during this season either on the boat (www.Sail-NYC) or on New Years Eve, On the very same Yacht (The Manhattan!!!) in the meantime, enjoy Christms in New York... It is, indeed," The Most wonderful time of the year".......
Happy Holidays!!!! It is almost Thanksgiving & there is much to be thankful for!!!! My Health, Chops, Continued musical employment, Family, Friends and Fun!!!! My schedule is Packed this season with the amazing "Cocoa & Carols" cruises along the Hudson & other shows in various venues around the City!!!! So excited.. PLease also check out the Havana Cuba Trip opportunity on the last page here.....so Excited to be going!!! Fingers crossed!!! Much love to all & as always, Peace Thru Music!!!
Hi To all My fans!!!! Labor Day come & gone already!!! wow!!! I just returned from a wonderful trip to Omaha, what all the folks there call "The Big O!!! I love it!! a small town vibe in a pretty downtown package!! I got to perform, once again at the Fabulous & Historic Loves Jazz & Art center, a venue thats been supporting touring jazz musicians since the hayday of the big band Era! It was a major stop between Kansas City & Shytown...!! Thank you Tim Clark for making it happen, initially & for the amazing food you provided from your other venue: Lolo's Chicken & Waffles! Another big Thank you to the current director Dougie for taking such good care of me, driving me all over & the attention to all the details...! so professional!! I had the pleasure of playing once again with the "Omaha Vendetta"! the Fabulous Kevin Kelly (drums) & Jacob Sorensen (Bass), plus I met another killer musician out of Lincoln: Aaron Stroessner (Guitar)!!! what a thrill to play with these guys! also, a big shout out (Thanks Dougie!) to the gang at University of Omaha!!! I did a workshop there with the kids and had a blast!!! I hope the kids did too!!!! Thanks B.J!!! Thank you Wade for the amazing security detail & all the fab personell at Loves Jazz...For all of you folks out there Please continue to support this amazing venue & go Git some Waffles at LoLos after the show!!!!! Until next time..... XX00
Hello everyone!!!! Just back from my super successful "California Adventure" Tour!!! So amazing & I got to play with so many great musicians! Started off in L.A. with my good friend & kller vocalist/Saxman Rick Parma & His wife Gazelle! From there we did a show in the beautiful city of Long Beach with The fabulous Guitar Player Dean Grech ... Then off to another gig With Rick at The Citrus Grill, Sunday Brunch with a killer band at Malarkys back in Long beach (Thanks Tom Dante & Ernie!) Plus I got to stay in that gorgeous town for 2 days before our long trip up the coast to Redwood Country with Dean!!! (a whole 'nother adventure!!) :) A smokin' gig up North at a cool Jazz venue called The Main Street Bistro...(Thanks Suzy) where I got to hammer out the festival setlist with another killer Rythmn section Cedric Willmot on Drums & Ryan Lukas on bass....We were in a pretty little town on the Russian River called Guerneville!!! Plus we got to stay high up in the mountains overlooking the sea! The next day I finally saw the magnificent Redwood forest ....what I call "Grandfather Trees"! How insignificant things seem when standing in Mother Nature's holy Cathedral Back on the road to San Jose for the opening night of The San Jose Jazz Summerfest!!! Thanks a Million Bruce Labadie for your faith in me!!!! I also had the joy & support of my best friend & psychic-sister Anna joining me on this last leg of the tour with her family!!! On to the Press meet & Greet to see old friends & new ! (Got to meet my biggest fan, the DJ Ken Irwin!) The venue we played in San Jose had a set up much like the Blue Note here in NYC!!! GORGEOUS!!!!! Well, we had a ball & I sold bunches of CD's....!$$ Back to San Francisco with Rick & Gazelle (the 3 Amigos!) & onto NYC, swiftly & Safely that following morning!!!! Back here in town, I am BUSY at our residency at the elegant supper club: Farafina Cafe, on the beautiful Boat "America 2.0" at Jules & at The Harlem Tavern..... whew! Give Thanks!!! Check the bio/liveshows page so you can come say hello!
Hi again Fans!!!!!! July already half over and I'm busy, Give Thanks!! Making new fans all around the city & the state. Thank you Carol Urban at The Bellayre Music fest.. what fun up there & what a gorgeous part of the Catskills.. Until next time! So happy to be playing with so many different killer musicians also! Had a super weekend with the family & perfect weather to lounge around the hotel pool And visit!! Looking forward to our trip out to Westhampton & then off to Baltimore & D.C. before flying out to California to play with some more great musicians!!! Yay!!!!
Hello again!! Summertime is upon us..... Yay!!! I celebrated The Summer Solstice with a fabulous concert at a real Jazz venue in Nyack w/ a smokin' band... Thank you Mark Minichello, Beldon Bullock & Nicky Scheuble!!! Plus Ive had some wonderful new gigs, including playing on a Massive Sailing schooner!!!! (www.SAIL-NYC.com) So cool! Its been a busy June & the summer is looking packed with festivals, (Bellayre Music Fest, 7/1 & The San Jose Jazz Festival, 8/11) concerts, boat rides, travels & more!!!! So exciting!!! Please refer to the "Live Shows" page!!! I will keep you all updated as the season unfolds.... O and Happy Birthday America!!!!!!
Hi Everyone!!!!! ITs My Birthday Month, MAY!!! Yay!!!! Its been a Very WET ONE, so far but I love it!! So great for all the Trees in NYC! I have some great gigs this Month at A super cool venue called Farafina Lounge in Harlem.. a real stage, lights & a P.A.! Also we are back at Jules for my Birthday celebration!! Tons of new stuff coming in as well as various mini tours, travel & Fun!!!! Im planning to record a Christmas CD very soon!!!! any favorites come to mind!? I received my gorgeous new Silver & Turquoise (!) Valves from KGUBrass in the Ukraine!!! Soo cool & I hope to go over there soon.....Check back here soon for updates on my NEW HORN..... from Phaeton Horns!!!!!
Hello All, Its already March 21, the Spring Equinox!!!!! Ive been to California & had the pleasure of playing with some Amazing musicians to a sold out house!!! Yay!! Go ahead Rick Parma !!!! Stayed with Rick & His wife Gazelle & enjoyed some California Sunshine while I was there!!! The massive rains had Just Finished!!!! Back home to NYC for some shows at a groovy new venue in Nyack & a packed Valentines Day concert...Then off to Florida for some relaxation..... Can you say "The Perennial Vacationer"!??? Back n NYC for a few shows & to test out the gorgeous new Phaeton Pocket Trumpet shipped to me for consideration of an endorsement deal..!!!! Yee-ha!!! Off to sunny Guadalajara Mexico to play yet another sold out show in the beautiful Puebo of Ajijic with my Killer Mexico Band!! So great playing with Archie "El Chido", Willie "La Pachita', Jonny X , and Mike Fortier ... just like old times & we also had some super duper musicians sitting in!!!! what a night.... Had a wonderful time visiting family & friends & did some Recording for Mike & The Suspects new EP, out soon.... all in all a whirlwind start to the new year with many more amazing opportunities in the future!!!
Happy New Year everybody!!!! Had some gigs to kick off the new year and am looking forward to a year filled with amazing opprtunity!!! Im playing a benefit at a place for women in the Bronx, (Susan's Place) hopefully to inspire & entertain them!! Then my regular Saturday brunch starts up again on the 21st at Bocca Di Bacco .. to continue thru out the year!! off to California the last week in January to play with a super band that includes Rick Parma, Gail Jhonson, Willie Bradley, Dean Gresh & a bunch of killer musicians!! onward & upward!!!
Hi everyone... the country & world has been surprised & stunned by the election of Donald Trump. I was, at first, quite nervous & still remain so.... We definately need music now more than ever!! I wll be cautiously optimistic & give him a chance to lead..... (while continuing to stockpile water & pharmaceuticals..Tee Hee!!) AS always, Peace Thru Music.....
Hello to all My fans!!!! Its almost Election Day in this Great country of ours, The Cubs have Won the world series, I'm getting a product endorsement from a fabulous Russian company: KGUBrass, My original "Fierce Fest" (c.) the All Woman festival I'm organizing is in the planning stages & negotiations for a New Years gig are full speed ahead!!!! Blessings abound & I am collaborating with my buddy & phenomanal Sax player/vocalist Rick Parma on one cut of his new CD... Ive played some wonderful new venues here in town & am discovering many more...and planning a Florida getaway/tour in late February... Yay!!!!
Hi All!!!! Already Labor day is over & gone.. The start of "Autumn In New York"... Hooray!!!! Neotaiating with some venues for my residency both here & abroad....working on new material & visiting family!! I recently returned from a wonderful visit to the beautiful city of Tucson!!! Who knew!?? A gorgeous place ringed by mountains & sunny most of the year!!! I had the pleasure (& the Time!!) to visit my sister, Finally, & relax bit!! A swinging Jazz scene also that I look forward to investigating further when I return!!! Its finally cooling off a bit here in NYC, MY hometown! P.S. Go Yankees!! Tee-Hee!!!
Hello again everybody!!! Its already the middle of July & H-O-T!!! Im in NYC enjoying the summertime... Playing at our usual spot "The Harlem Tavern" & planning the next CD... A smooth Jazz project, I beleive!! I've had the pleasure of meeting a bunch of the artists this summer: Gail Jhonson, Rick Parma, Elan Trotman.. Who I had the pleasure of playing with the other night!!! What a gentleman & a Killer player as well as having a super band!! What a gas! & it all took place on a fabulous boat ride on the Hudson!! yee-ha!!! I'm so excited also to have the same amazing musicians from my 2 CD's on the Gig with me coming up this August 4th... Danny Walsh on Tenor, Jon Davis on Piano & Eric Halvorson on drums!!! Dont miss this show in Riverdale!!!
Hi Y'all!!!!
Im on tour thru the "Deep South" ... My First time in these parts!! I flew into Nashville (!), from there we drove to Huntsville , Alabama (Home of the Space shuttle!) and did a show in beautiful Monte Sano Park! The next day it was off to Historic Birmingham (The birth of Civil Rights!!) "Magic City".. a lovely hotel right downtown & another show at the Brewery with the fab Musicians!!! Im having a ball seeing areas I've never had the opportunity of traveling to & meeting all kinds of wonderful folks! Southern Hospitality, indeed!!! I also have the pleasure of sharing the bill with 2 other Killer Saxophonists, Dee Lucas and Loyd Watson Jr.! This is "The Heritage Jazz Tour" put on by the Promotor Charles Nevett!!! Stay tuned for more adventures coming soon!!!
Hi Everyone!!!!!!!
Its My birthday Month: MAY!!! Yay!!!Ive been having a Ball doing local shows here in town & My radio show: Ginetta's Vendetta Presents..." which only this Month Ive started having Special Guests!! & What a fabulous response & Time Ive been having!!! the first week we had the Stellar Saxophonist Danny Walsh, Then the amazing Vocalist, Keyboard player & bandleader Of "Jazz In Pink" Gail Jhonson, After that An Unbelievable Drummer/composer :Marcello Pellitteri !!! Our Last week will feauture the super female Sax player: Paula Atherton, who I am going on Tour with! This Month has also been filled with parties, Friends, Musical opprtunities & collaborations, family & Fun!!! What a wonderful way to kick off my Birthday Month starting on April 30 with International Jazz Day (at Tamu Lola) & Ending with some major dates in Detroit on Memorial Day weekend!!! Look for My new SMOOTH Jazz single & CD, coming soon!
Hello All... going on The Middle of April already!!! But what's with this crazy WINTER weather we are having!??? Ugh.....Talk about "Climate Change"!!!! Considering the beautiful & Mild winter we had, Im counting my blessings!!!! I am having a ball doing my radio show: "Ginetta's Vendetta Presents..." Mondays at 9:00 p.m. on www.CityWorldRadio.com But all things must come to an end & since the Studio is losing their Lease (!) at the end of May Im not sure I will be continuing.... It has been a wonderful experience these past months.., But y'all should should Listen Up NOW while you have a chance!! Remember, Its a Call-in show..212.631.7553!!
Until Next time, Peace Out!!
Hi!!!!! I've just returned from a wonderful trip & mini tour thru the beautiful country of Mexico (a heads up Trump: Build Bridges, Not walls!!) anyway, its such a different & more relaxed culture where folks are very accomodating & just roll with things...! A Huge lesson for a Type- A New Yorker like myself!!! I had the pleasure of working & Playing with so many wonderful musicians down there including the visiting Alto Master from Canada, Richard Underhill.. I also played with my regular Mexico Vendetta: Juan , Arcie & willie...other wise known as "Johhny X', "El Cido" & La Pachita"!! :) Also a shout out to Yann & Gaby, the Proprietors of the Beautiful Number Four restaurant, Thanks a Million!! The next night I was working with Killer Guitsr player Blue Jay Slim & His band , along with Richard & I as the Horn section.. Saw many dear friends (That means you Lori & Mindy!) and had another great night!!! Then off to the lovely city of San Miguel Allende (Thanks Sally!) where I had the distinct pleasure & good fortune to get another set of great players: Dulce, Segei & a bass player ( I forgot his name!) all from Quretero.... On the bus back to lovely Ajijic it started to snow!!! What??! Crazy Weather!!! Then on to Guadalajara where I got to play & visit with The fab vocalist Mike Fortier & his Lovely partner Lana!!! I also got to play a gig with good friends Noe & Jimmy way out in Chapala!! So fun & also a wonderful visit with family while I was down there!!! A big shout out to Sally Carlisle & Luis , owner of the lovely venue "la Galeria" who hosted me in SMA!!! Que Bueno!!!! all in all, as usual, a magical trip & Journey!!
Hello all!!! Im having such fun with my radio show that we've decided to do it for the whole month of February! Yay!! Leap year with Five (5) Mondays!! I'm hoping to get some sponsors to continue the ride!!! It has spurred me on to start (!) writing down my recollections and perhaps finally realizing my long dreamed of autobiography "Power Blower"! (Title: courtesy OF My Best Friend Anna Mondragon). My Mom always said I should write my memoirs!!! Anyway, we have been blessed with a mild winter, except for that Monster Blizzard last week which effectivly Shut Down NYC!!!! So Cool to be in the center o it all .. a holiday feel with No cars on the streets and a silence that is very rare in the city that never sleeps... Until next time, Tune in Monday Nights Y'all!!!!!
Happy New Year!!!! A lovely start to the new year bringing many negotiations far and wide...! My dream trip of Hawaii is on the horizon & I know it will manifest with many other Countries climbing aboard the Ginetta's Vendetta Juggernaut!! :)!! .For now, However, my radio show is going Great! We had the largest numbers of the whole station due to my many listeners who also call in!! What a gas and what fun to hear all my own tunes again from my first 2 original CD's! Wow!!! I have my steady local Live shows playing with some of the baddest cats in town, and I'm already planning my 5th CD.. an original smooth jazz one! Until next time,AS always, Peace Thru Music!!!
Happy Holidays to all!!!! At the start of the new Year I will be hosting my own radio show!!! Yay!!! Every Monday Night!! Ginetta's Vendetta Presents!! here's the link:
Hello Again!!! December already!! November was quite a Month with a Big wedding in our family and Thanksgiving, plus Gigs and various professional negotiations... (Fingers Crossed!!) The Holiday spirit is in full swing now here In NYC!!! Sooo pretty to see all the avenues decked out for the festivities!! Thank Goodness the weather is not winterlike!!! Yay!! The warmest season on record.. I love it...Now to get myself to warmer climes for the winter season!!! I am planning a new video soon, but in the meantime I am posting various Live shows online....(Youtube)...Please spread the gospel of Ginetta's Vendetta.. Peace Thru Music.... now more than ever.............
Hi Everyone!! Well, The ballots are closed... Lets hope that we made the next cut.. at Least in 1 category!!! If not, its been quite a ride & an amazing accolade to be on the Grammy ballot once again, in 10 spots!!! That is unprecedented & means the wortld to me & all my contemporaries in the Music Business!! Yay!! Now onto my continuing facination with Periscope (Thanx Kevin!) :) I am able to broadcast LIVE from my shows so fans from around The world may listen & see us in Real time...so cool... Please follow me so you can be a part of this amazing Global connection & support Live music no matter where you are!!! The button is on the FRONT page of this site!! Much Love to all at the start of the 2015 Holiday Season!!!
Little BIG Horn… the Follow up to her Top 20 Jazz radio hit CD "Standards"…. Features triple-threat Female powerhouse Ginetta M. of Ginetta's Vendetta playing (her signature pocket trumpet!) and singing her original arrangments of the Jazz classics, "Little BIG Horn" is yet another amazing Recording on The Grammy ballot in 10 spots!!! This includes Best Instrumental arranngement : Ginetta M. – Arranger for Blue Bossa, Best Improvised Jazz Solo: Ginetta M. for Girl from Ipanema and Moanin’! Best Improvised Jazz Solo: Tom “BadMother” Hubbard for Sidewinder and Autumn Leaves, Best Improvised Jazz Solo: Dan Walsh for Summertime and Yesterday, Best improvised Jazz Solo: Jon Davis for You Don’t Know what love is, Best Improvised jazz Solo : Eric Halvorson for Blue Bossa and Best Engineered (non Classical) Little Big Horn!!!.John Kilgore and Rod Shepard , engineers.
Recorded in just 4 hours with Stellar NYC session musicians! All one takes, except the ballad "You Don't Know What Love Is", this record blends the energy of a live concert with the intimate sound of a studio... Returning are Piano Wizard Jon Davis and Tenor Saxophone phenom Danny Walsh. Added to the mix are the stellar Rythym Section of Eric Halvorson on Drums & Tom "BadMother" Hubbard on Bass. Bandleader & Arranger Ginetta M. blows her pocket trumpet with confidence and authority as well as letting her sultry vocals transport the listener... The addition of two "Pop" tunes, the classic Beatles' "Yesterday' & the Roberta Flack hit "Killing me Softly" are a welcome surprise addition to this Jazz CD.... Little BIG horn is an example of individual expression in its highest form! To Listen and /or Buy Little Big Horn go to www.cdbaby.com/Ginettaslittlebighorn
Hi Everybody!!! just returned from the swingin' City Of Omaha, Nebraska!!! (Who Knew?) Thanks to the wonderful Promotor and unofficial "Mayor" of "O Town" Mr. Tim Clark!!! He is the proprietor of the Historic LovesJazzArtCenter.org in the heart of N. Omaha... Started by Preston Love in the early days of jazz it features The Preston Love Gallery (Great photos of Jazz musicians!), a performing arts area and an exibition space!! I was honored to headline there on the same night they had their new sign lighting ceremony with various city dignataries and folks from all over! My band as usual, were top of the line local cats: MD Kevin Kelley on Drums, Kevin Lloyd on keyboards & Jacob Sorenson on electric bass!!! Thank you gentleman for your professionalism & musicality! Unfortunately I came down with a severe case of Larangtyis the night I flew in..... Yikes...! SCARY & STRESSFUL... The cause might have been a combination of: no sleep, airplanes, a hotel with no fresh air (4 Star however!!), and an antihistamine...By the time the showdate came around I was only able to croak into the mike, no singing!! However, as a sax player friend advised me: I let my Horn do the talking!!!! a Successful night thanks to my wonderful new fans in Omaha... Off to perform that next day at the world reknowned Holland Performing Arts Center...Gorgeous!!! I was with the wonderful Tenor Player Ed Archibald who graciously shared the stage!! I got to experiance the beauty of Omaha by running each day on the "Bob Dole" Pedestrian bridge which connects Nebraska to Council Bluffs, Iowa...Over the mighty Missouri and the path of Lewis & Clark.....!! Met so many friendly people and I look forward to returning once again, this time with my perfect Chops, Health AND VOICE!! Give Thanks....P.S To be without a voice is very interesting (and scary) Hmmmmm. There's a lesson in here somewhere... I am starting tyo vocalize again & look forward to singing this weekend!!!!!
Hello everyone!!!! Im so excited to tell you that The CD : Little BIG Horn" is gaining momentum with all the radio stations across the U.S.! My Thanks to my ardent supporters from Raleigh to Memphis, from Omaha to Syracuse and many stations in between.... Im looking forward to headlining in Omaha at the prestigious LovesJazzArtCenter.org next Friday October 16th..Will also Help KIOS with their Fund drive and hope to visit the Historic Black owned newspaper "The Omaha Star"!! A cultural trip Through a great American City!! Yee-Ha!!!! Stay tuned & in the meantime, pick up some downloads on my music page or an ACTUAL CD!!!! :)
Hello evryone!!! what a great Summer!!!! Busy playing all over, going to the beach and MAKING another CD!!!! Yee-ha!! "Little Big Horn" is done and submitted to the Grammys!!! It's ready for some radio promotion Y'all... Hope to shop "Summertime" as a smooth Jazz Single... crank it on the Airwaves so I can get that Chriss Botti Money!!$$ Tee-Hee!!! Im off to do two nights in Omaha in October and an interview with Chris at KIOS!!! Stay Tuned!
Hi to all my old & new fans In Jamaica and beyond.!I had a great performance in Kingston this week at The Jamaica International Jazz Festival & cemented my reputation asM "The Pocket Miles"...Wow! Sold a Bunch of CD's also! Thank you to Myrna Bradshaw, The director of the Fest for bringing me in!I was backed by the fabulous Desi Jones Trio, My friends from previous trips!!! The great Desi on Drums, Chris Macdonld on Piano & Dale Haslem on bass.. I also did a workshop conducted by Dr. Mrrna Hague on Jazz originating in the Carribean & beyond! Very informative! I got to play and speak in front of a bunch of schoolkids which, I hope, was mutually inspiring!! :) Also, Stayed with & visited with my good friend & fellow "Diva", the wonderfil African Vocalist, Lorrainne Klassen!!! The weather was hot, hot hot, just the way I like it!!! Much love to all and onto new adventures including work on my new CD: "Little Big Horn"!!
Hello to all my fans!!! The first W-A-R-M day here in NYC & everyone is out!!! Gorgeous!!! I just recorded The National Anthem (@ BoweryLand Studios! ) to be considered to play at the historic Camden Yards in Baltimore, a.k.a "Charm City!" yee-ha! Then Onto Yankee Stadium for the World Series!!! (I can Dream, cant I??) Anyway, will keep you all posted... In the meantime, Check out Chris Botti & Arturo Sandoval playing it!! W-O-W!!!! I will upload it to my Music page soon, so that you all can weigh in!!
Hi To all my new fans around the globe!!! Wow, what a super Month March has been!!! Just back from the amazing Java jazz festival in Jakarta, Indonesia, then onto a mini tour in sunny Mexico!! Whew.. I also have been doing shows the few days I am home, so only now, can I take a few days to rest & reflect!! I left for Indonesia at the end of February... A V-e-r-y long trip, but made bearable cuz I flew first to Dubai (12 Hours) where I could stretch & then to Jakarta (another 8 hours) arriving at night there. Its 12 hours ahead... amazingly, I didnt have jet lag... I was in a gorgeous hotel in the middle of the city, with lush Greenery & a running track..yay!! I was blessed to be partnered with the fabulous organ player Tony Monaco for the shows I had.... One show practically in a stadium... B-i-g!!! I met the sweet & gracious Chris Botti!!! My 1 Goal for the trip, besides doing my BEST!!! (I cant wait to play together or open for him...) Every night I jammed withkiller players who blew me away, literally!! Yikes, talk about a "Trumpet Summit with ALOT of hot air!! :) I met so many amazing , talented & successful musicians who made this trip truely a great experience and have inspred me to continue in my destiny....I was also thrilled by the total professionalism of the festival organizers & tireless work of the army of volenteers!! Thank you Mr. Peter Gontha for your support & beleif in my talent! See you next year!!! My trip to Mexico was a Blast too!!!! Tho it started out a bit soggy, (rain, rain & Cold!!?)I had the pleasure of visiting with my Pop & sister while also doing some super shows!!! My first one in Guadalajara w/ the killer "Mexico Vendetta" : Archie, Willie, Juan & Mike!!! .... Then onto a sold out show in Beautiful San Miguel Allende, (Thank you My friend Sally!!!!!) , then into Ajijic for more shows at the lovely Venue "Four", thank you jann & gaby! ...Super photos on facebook , thanks to all my wonderful girlfriends down there!!!!! Lana & Lori, Sally & Mindy,Irlanda & Catalina!!I miss you already! P.s. of course it got hot & Sunny!!!!
Hello All & Happy Valentine's Day!!!!! A super winter so far, Not too much snow, some steady gigs, (merci Cedric!) & some super new voyages coming up... On february 28th I'm off to Jakarta, Indonesia to play at one of the Biggest festivals in the world: The Java Jazz fest!!!! Yee-ha!! Another Musical Adventure awaits!! Then back to NYC for a few shows & off again to Mexico to perform both in Guadalajara & Ajijic!!!! So excited!! Stay tuned for updates , photos & more!!!
Happy New Year!!!!! A wonderful ending to the year! I finished my 4 week engagement on the beautiful Allure of the seas & came back to NYC (Brrrr) to shows, family & fun!! The Christmas season was in full swing with wonderful gigs, parties, family, baking, visiting & more !! For the first time in M-A-N-Y years, I rang out the old year into the new relaxing with loved ones, preparing for the busy new year ahead!!! Yee-ha!!!
Hi!!!!! Im in the middle of the Ocean, right now...Or actually, The gorgeous Carribean Sea, but its all a vast watery magnificence... a bit humbling... Having a wonderful & Busy time on this ship... More later when I have more internet access..... Bye for now!!!!!!!!
Hello every one!!! (That means you J.B!! ...) I am having such a great time on this ship.. The Allure of the Seas... I lucked out & have had my own little private cabin (ok, a tiny berth is more like it.) but I have the luxury of privacy on this huge floating City!!! An amazing experience for me. I am playng 6 nights a week in a gorgeous top of the line Jazz Room!! People come in to actually Listen & not eat!! I have met so many wonderful musicians & am seeing one gorgeous spot after another!! I have sold a few CD's which is gives me have a little cash for souvenirs & fun! The food is unbeleiveable & I have access to delicious fruits all day....Truely a super duper time & considering the cold snap in NYC, an optimal time to "Get out of Dodge!" More later & I will try to upload photos soon..... :)
Happy Halloween & now the countdown to the holiday begins!!! I am leaving on November 9th on a huge cruise ship to travel around the Carribean playing w/ a Jazz quartet... Wow!! Sounds like another adventure!!!! Ginetta vendetta on the High Seas.... I am NOT the bandleader however so I am just going to relax, show up & blow.... Looking forward to seeing some magnificent scenery, beaches & new experiences... A "working Vacation"!!!! Yay!!
Just back from a wonderful trip to the lovely city of Montreal!!! I was a guest of the fab vocalist Larainne Klassen & her Mom Thandie. I arrived sdtraight from the airport Friday nite (thanks Joey) into a rehearsal with some super African & Canadian musicians! A super band!! Saturday was gorgeous weather & I got to run along the Lachine canal before soundcheck (Long!!) :) and the packed show!!!! A great job by all!!! Sunady we bar-B-qued and visited!! back to NYC (by way of Toronto!) on monday.....
Labor Day has come & gone... A busy September is upon me. Gigs, travel, & negotiations for more festivals! Yee-ha!!!!!!
Hello to all my new fans!!! They say that once the 4th of july comes, summer speeds by & boy is that t-r-u-e!!! Its already the middle of August!! Lots of doings here... Finally, the cool new "Stolen Moments" video has been premiered and re-tweeted galore! My PPK was the featured Press kit for the week of 8/11 to 8/18.. Well over 7,000 hits!! Yee-ha!! Then a super live interview & taping on the Bronxnet show "Open" w/ Rhina Valentin in preparation for our big Bronx Concert on August 11th.. Thank you to Assembleyman Jeffert Dinowitz & Phil Cardone of the BCA... All in all a super productive month so far... Peace out & continue to support live music!!!
Hi everyone!!!! The summer Solstice was last week!! A clear gorgeous perfect summer night watching the setting sun over the city w/ loved ones!!! It seems all of NYC was on their rooftops celebrating & ushering in a new season!!! My favorite!!! More gigs flowing in all across the city & I am negotiating with festival promotors to allow me to travel & spread the gospel of Ginetta's Vendetta!! tee-hee!! The new video for Stolen Moments is almost done & will be one more way to expand my brand globally! Rock on , Baby!!!!
It's been a Super Duper birthday month!! Starting off w/ a beautiful May Day & continuing on to a fab Memorial Day spent shooting the new video! (More on that soon.....) Filled with wonderful Gigs in New Jersey & NYC including my great new residency at Le Singe Vert on Tuesdays, right near my home...talk about an easy commute! :) Then I had numerous Birthday parties w/ various Family & friends... 3 cakes in all!! YUM!! Uh-oh.. can you say Stretch pants ?? Tee-hee.... New Musicians, New friends, New musical opportunities and , of course, sailing on the Hudson! Yes, we got the boat in the water!! Its official..Summer is on its Way!!!!
Hello to all my fans.. Well as I predicted, the new month did indeed usher in some new musical opportunities even if they were a bit further out then I anticipated!! Some fancy Venues w-a-y out in western New Jersey....The lovely Ryland Inn, and The Stone house...this past Thursday, March 27th, we were all piled in the guitar player's car, w/ the P.a. Guitar & Bass amps, instruments, stands , and 3 musicians! (Thank goodness there wasnt a drummer on the gig! ) As we are driving the oil light came on... NOT what you want to see, halfway to the gig!! We continued on a bit slower w/ me sniffing the air to make sure nothing was burning (Like the freakin' engine!!) when I told him to PULL OVER now!! No sooner did I say it then the car came to a shuddering & grinding halt!! Ai-Yai-yai!!!! Meanwhile we are on a super busy rush hour clogged 6 lane interstate!! Thank goodness there was a shoulder to pull over on & that the traffic was so backed up it wasnt whizzing by at a death-defying speed. Well, while he's still trying to get AAA on the line the clock is ticking down to our 7:00p.m. downbeat...So I hopped out of the car & proceeded to flag down some good Samaritans... ALOT harder then it looks on T.V! I was convinced that all we needed was enough oil to get us to a gas station.. well, Guess what, not many folks carry oil, at least not the 2 wonderful men who stopped (Thank you to Danny & Marcus, you guys are the best!!) They did however have a few empty bottles between them... So I dribbled what little oil there was into the oil case, Tee started the car, with much praying & finger crossing, & we made it to a gas station to buy oil & fill it up!!! Then we proceeded safe & sound to the gig in a timely fashion!! Kudos also to triple A for then taking us all home, along w/ the car strapped on the flatbed, in their cool tow truck!! What a neat ride home that was!! All in all, another potential disaster, turned into yet another "Ginetta's Vendetta" adventure! A lesson tho to carry some doggone oil & a spare tire y'all!! Oh and P.S. We rocked the gig!!!!!
Hi everyone!! Wow, What a February its been!! can you say W-I-N-T-E-R in NYC??!!! Thank goodness its now March 1st!! A New Month, a New Moon & a New Day!!! Let move into spring... That means new musical opportunities & revenue streams... Yea baby.... Stay tuned for updates!!
Just finished a great interview w/ Langston Farrow of KUNV, 91.5, The Source in Las Vegas!!! The Cd is going strong!!! he asked me what is something I haven't done yet & I said a "Duets" CD!!! What a cool idea... W/ Michael Bolton, Chris Botti, Andrea Bocelli, Steve Turre, Wynton Marsalis, Etc. A "Sandard Duets" ..hmmm....Ive been mailing autographed CD's out to some Dj's for free give aways!!!! And I'm selling a bunch online at: www.cdbaby.com/cd/ginettam2 Another great interview on 2/1 with the wonderful Sir Walford in Albany..WCDB FM, this man Played all 3 of my CDs and did a great mix of them all... I loved that!!! Thanks Sir Walford!! See you in the Capital region!!!
Hi everyone & H-a-p-p-y New Year!! We started the year at # 19!!! Yippee, down to #30 now, but still in the top!!! This record is smokin'... Great New Years eve Gig @ Vic & Anthonys!!!& then some.... Just went to the Jazz Connect conference & met some new contacts & renewed some old ones. I finally got to meet my radio promotions team, plus some essential folks to help me move forward in the new Year!!!!!!!!!!
Hi !!! We are number 20 0n The Jazz Week Chart!! HOLY COW!!! what a week its been... Interviews all over the Country!!!! Thank you Malvin , Mark & Vince, & thats just this week...And a Full moon to usher in the next wonderful phase of success! My perfect booking agent/Promotor will soon manifest with Major tours & Festivals!
The new "Standards" CD is blasting from coast to coast on stations in San Diego, Las Vegas, Toledo, Rochester, Syracuse, San Mateo, Memphis, Philly, Washington D.C, Rochester, Minneapolis, Jackson Missippi, Princeton, Raleigh, Miami, Normal Illinois, Toledo, Omaha, Honolulu, Denton Texas, Orlando and many more!! Call in to your local jazz stations & request it by Pocket-trumpeter Ginetta M.!
Hi Y'all!! Another magical night in NYC! I went to a fabulous gala honoring Quincy Jones (My Idol!) & for the Louis Armstrong Museum! What a thrill!! First of all it was in a gorgeous penthouse with a view all up & Down 5th ave. Baby!! Then I got to hang w/ the Fabulous & talented musicians of The Vince Giordano band!!! These guys & gals (Go Bria & Margo!) are smokin' & they are the band on the HBO series Boardwalk Empire.. one of My favorite shows! The highlight of my evening, however, was meeting The "Q" himself!! Of course I didnt bring a camera, But we chatted for a moment & he regaled me w/ a tale of him & Frankie ( MY other Idol) and then I gave him my CD which was basically inspired By him!!! Killer Joe is the title track on it & one of his most famous Jazz tunes!! What a gracious & wonderful man, who interestingly enough, said that America is the ONLY country without a minister of Culture!! Hmmm. Now That sounds like a gig I can aspire to.... tee-hee.I also met the world reknowned Jazz historian/writer/critic: Stanley Crouch!! & I gave Him my CD & said that I hoped he could
write the liner notes for my next CD!!!! All in all a super duper evening!!!!
The Grammy nominations came out and we were not on it.....Ah well.... At least another NYC homeboy got a nod..Donny Macaslin.. Go Donny!! I wish it had been Danny Walsh but there's always next year!!! I'm focusing on our chart success!!!!Yee-ha!!! Now Im recording sound bytes for the various stations.. what a gas!! "Hi, This is Ginetta M. & you're listening to..etc. etc." tee-hee....Is there Nothing I wont do to push this record!???? :) Now Please go to my music page & Buy! On another great note we have a super New Year's Eve Gig at our spot: Vic & Anthony's!!
Holy Cow!!!! We are now at #32!!!! Im so excited! Thank you all Neal Sapper & Matt Hughes at New world N jazz.... & to the wonderful Dj's... Thank You for your support and the interviews!!! Eric Cohen @ WAER, Jon Norton @ WGLT, Gerard Howard @ WJSU, Jeff "Super" Duperon @WRTI, Malvin Massey @ WUMR, Ron Pelletier @ Jazz Gallery, Vince Outlaw @ KSDS, Mark Taylor @ WUCF, Kevin O'Conner @ KBEM, Jerry Gordon..etc. etc. etc....
December 1- and what a month its been!!!!! We debuted on the JAZZ WEEK chart at #44... w-o-w ..now its #42 and slowly, but steadily gaining momentum thanks to all these wonderful D.J's around the country!! Who knew they were so approachable!? After a lifetime in this biz of getting the run around, the dodge & the shuck & Jive , these folks actually answer their own phones!! I LOVE it!! Plus you can call in the radio station booth & speak to them while their show is on!!! I just cant express how much that means to me... And every single one of them (soon to be named) have nothing but high praise for this record!! its really been a thrill..
Hi everyone!!! Im SOOOO excited!!! The new "Standards" CD is getting airplay all over the country,!! What a thrill to check on my youtube stats & see a comment from a fan in San Mateo California saying they just heard it on the radio last night!!!Thanks KCSM!! Yee-ha!!!! Working now on getting some press & reviews!!!! Plus major festivals... lets call in y'all to your local Jazz station!!!!! Every sunday we are @ Jules Bistro (www.julesbistronyc.com) for the Jazz Brunch!!!
October 2013... My new Standards CD has been chosen in 5 categories!!!! Best Instrumental Jazz Soloist- Ginetta M. "Stolen Moments", Best instumental Jazz Soloist - Danny Walsh, "By By Blackbird", Best Arrangement Accompanying Vocals- Ginetta M. Arranger, "Killer Joe", Best Jazz CD- "Standards", Ginetta M., Best Engineered CD, Rod Shepard! Yee-ha, Gotta start my "For your consideration" Campaign!!!
Already August!!! Wow! We had the best record date.. been in the studio mixing ever since!! All done! Props to Rod Shepard!!! @ Xanthi studios in Hoboken! A VERY patient man... The new "Standards" CD is almost out!!! 8/25/13!! I will be using just my name Ginetta M....We've also been doing some outdoor shows and 1 set shows (w/ opening acts, no less!) in and around upstate New York & New Jersey....Come out & celebrate with us at another big show in Harlem on August 17th. @ Sisters restaurant.. Should be a gas!!
Its almost the summer Solstice!!! What better way to start than a record date!!! Yippee.. It will be a magical one with some of the best players in town!!! Yee-ha!!!We are back at Vic & Anthony's on Tuesdays now..Trying to drum up some mini tours!!!!!
Wow!!! A HEAT WAVE in May!!! First it was freezing & then it was H-O-T!!! I Love it, but this wacky weather, tornados, hail, flood and the like is a clear indication of what people have dubbed "Global Warming!".... A definate poor choice of words... Climate Change is more appropriate...Yikes!!!! I'm getting ready to record a Standards C.D. Torch songs & instrumental ballads... Also, I have the new photos from a recent photo shoot!
Hi Everyone!!! Its May 23rd & Im almost finished celebrating my Birthday Month!!!So far I've Had a great time at many different parties/gatherings/dinners with loved ones & friends!!!Just started a break from Vic & Anthony's. so I have a chance to go upstate & visit family!! A bunch of shows coming up all around NYC & upstate, new England & beyond, so stay tuned!!!!!!
Happy Spring!! Almost there!! We have been busy doing our thrice (3 X) weekly gig @ Vic & Anthonys Steakhouse! What a gas! It's just a trio so Im doing all the standards that I listened to as a kid.. a real treat for me to sing all my favorite Ella, Sarah & Billie Hiliday Tunes, plus playing the classics... It is a wonderful opportunity for musical growth & they treat us so nicely!! Kudos to Tom, Eric & the whole gang there!!! Hoping to book some summer mini-tours thru the South & out West!!! And gearing up to record a CD of Standards!! Will keep all you fans posted!!!
Hi Y'all!!!! Just back from the gorgeous city of san Antonio!!!!! The city of my patron Saint!!!! A big shout out to Jiordyn, the promotor who pulled the whole show tgether1!! Plus a big Texas Thank you to all the musicians!!! And Thank you KROV Radio!!!! And The PHX Lounge!! Photos on my facebook page: www.facebook.com/ginettasilvi
Happy New Year!!!! We have been so busy, give Thanks!!! What a super holiday season.. working all the time , plus a double on New Years & contracting out bands! Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we are at the wonderful Vic & Anthony's Steakhouse! We are playing the jazz happy hour from 5:30-8:30. Amazing to have a steady gig!!! Come on out to this cool spot where drinks & food are reasonably priced!! (until 8:30!!)
Hi all!! Please check out this link...
BIG News!!!!! We are ON the GRammy Ballot!!!! See Oct. 2012 insert below. Even if we do Not get Nominated.. (Pray harder y'all!!!), this is a Serious nod from the musical community & Industry!!! Wow!! I hope my tune "Choose Love" will be heard by some major players & get recorded by Celene Dion or Mariah or any number of killer vocalists!!!! Also, We now have A STEADY 3 nights a week at the gorgeous new spot Vic & Anthonys Steakhouse!! Every Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday on 19th St. & Park Ave, from 5:30-8:30. Perfect timing & location as we can still do other shows..... come out & listen & support LIVE MUSIC this holiday season!!!! Peace on Earth!!!!!October/2012- Ginetta's Vendetta Sophmore CD "Land on My Feet" made the 1st cut onto the Grammy Voting ballot! An Amazing acheivement for us! Best pop performance by a duo/group for "Choose Love", Best instrumental Jazz solo, 'All Blues" Ginetta Minichiello, Soloist! Best Arrangement "All Blues" Ginetta Minichiello, Arranger & Best Engineered C.D."Land On My Feet" Rod Shepard- Engineer
Wow!!! Hurricane Sandy kicked our butts!! After all the hype of Irene last year Im sure NYC wasnt really expecting it to be as bad as they said. Well...it was... not alot of rain, per se, but the winds and the tidal surge flooded a bunch of downtown & right up to chelsea!!!!! An unprecedented event! Our power went out , along with everyone else's below 28th street, at 8:47 p.m. Bam!!! I was looking out my window when it happened.. Surreal!!! What followed were 5 days & 4 nites without electricity.. and we are the lucky ones!!!!! New York City was divided into what I termed "The Dead Zone" & "The Electrified Zone"... a true learning experience!!!
September is upon us!!!!!!!!!! Wow, how time flies! Had some time to visit w/ family....The big news is the submission of my 2nd CD "Land on My Feet" to the 55th Grammys!! Send your positive vibes everyone.. Here's to bigger & Better gigs coming!!I am also in negotiations for a 3 month gig in Dubai w/ The Vendetta!!! I will be the toast of The United Arab Emirates! Yella, Habibti...........
Hi All!!!! June 1rst already!!!! yikes.. I have a gorgeous new place, living the high life uptown!!! Working towards the last part of my 2012 goal, a grammy nomination!!! The tour thu the south has not yet materialized but its all good...it looks like I will be going to Texas to play in the last half of the summer.. back to my old stomping grounds!!!! (Can you say NTSU!!?) We are getting busy again here in NYC, so stay posted & check our live showdates page!!! Much love & a great summer!!!
Hello to all my fans.. (Both of you! ) :) Its my birthday month & it has been a doozy!!!! Big changes afoot!!! band personell, living accomodations, and others.. All super-duper... I am gearing up for a mini-tour thru the south....So all you guys in Alabama, Atlanta & n. Florida come out and "Show Ya Love"..... (venues tba!) A new year & a new plateau!!!!!!!! Rock on baby!!
Hi!!!!!! Another super mini-tour in Mexico, again!!!! Talk about jamming in as many gigs as possible...this time we started at the venue #4 , where Kim booked me with a killer piano player (Willy "Pachita" Zavala) & a super bass player (Juan manuel "Johnny X" Ayala)! What a treat to work with these guys...Then on Sunday, at another gorgeous venue "La Tasca" (Gracias Roberto!) we added the fab drummer Archi "El Chido Cholo" Salcedo to the mix.. Wow... The Northern Lights Fest was also in town & I had the pleasure of meeting & playing with The Richard Underhill Quartet!!! What a pleasure!! Thanks Guys, Rich, Danny, Artie & Nate!!! Top of the line musicians!! On thursday we went onto Guadalajara to do a live Radio show broadcast at the gorgeous venue Zuno.. There I hadthe pleasure of adding Mike Fortier to help me out on vocals. Check out live video!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8gkbYrb7io) I also had the happiness of visiting with my Pop & brother , sold CD's , saw old friends & generally had a ball!
Happy 2012 to all my old & new fans.... I've been a bit remiss in writing here!!! we rang in the New Year at our favorite Bistro..JULES!!! A great time was had by all... The subsequent weeks have been wonderful here in NYC, with No snow & our steady thursday nite gig at the beautiful Trump Soho!! 2012 is looking good!!
Hello all... Back safe & sound from another wonderful journey on the road!!!! THis time to Sunny & beautiful Mexico! Ole!! I flew into Guadalajara, right after the hurricane, (sunny skies for me, as usual!) in the midst of the PanAmerican games... Athletes abound!! Anyway, off to the lovely pueblo of Ajijic where the venue owner (the lovely Kim Everest) put me up in this cute 2 bedroom apartment in a tropical paradise... Birds, tangerine, lemon , orange & grapefruit trees, plus a pool! Thanks a million Kimmy!!!!!I played 2 weekends at the Restaurant Four w/ a great Piano player.....Also a big thanks to the effervencent Lori Truly who hung out w/ me & had a blast together.... And as always, a thanks to Roberto who is always happy to host me at his spot "La Tasca"..I then had a chance to travel overland to the charming city of San Miguel Allende where I had the wonderful opportunity to play w/ some master Musicos!!!!!!!!!! AS always, A divinely blessed & successful trip!!! Ole! Hi to all my fans... A technical snafu has caused me to lose all my travel blogs from 2007 onward.............. Jamaica, Kosovo, Prague, Mexico, Beirut, Jordan, Jamaica again, Canada, Florida, big shows upstate, recordings, life lessons... all lost to that untraceable cyber-land......ahhhhhhh..................please bear with me as I try to recollect my adventures!!!! :(
- hello again!!!! Just back from a wonderful 36 hour trip to Salt Lake City, Utah!!!! It couldnt have been any nicer!!! The people, the weather, the sound, the gear, the hotel....it started w/ a delay due to weather but this great pilot (see photo page!) soon made the time up & also made our night by announcing us over the intercom of the plane like the superstars we will soon be!!! what a gas that was... everyone wondering who the heck is "Ginetta's Vendetta"???? ha, soon all will know ...Then on to Salt lake driving late at night you could smell the salt air!!!! We had a great gig at the convention hall thanks to Heidi Ballif, Kris Severson, & everyone who made the trip possible...Thanks also to Randy & Scott of Webb Audio for their great sound work. They also taped us & Im hoping to have a DVD for sale & promotional use soon. It should be hot as the band was smokin' that night!!!!(Me, Tee, Dave & Scott!) Plus we got to see the Mormon Tabernacle Choir rehearse!!!! What a thrill!!!! & The director, Mr. Jessup invited us up on that grand stage for a photo op!!!! A great time was had by all in the beautiful, pristine, friendly city of Salt Lake!!! U.S.A!!
- Hi everyone..(the 5 people who actually read this!!) Ive just returned from a fabulous & productive super, musical, sunny trip to the gorgeous state of florida.. (Minus the strip malls & ubiquitous Condos!!!!!) My friends from the band Gruvtherapy & my friend Corby made me feel welcome & appreciated!! The big show for the station wxjz was a great success where I got to play once again w/ my fellow new yorker Matt Marshak & meet the New York dj who spins on CD101.9 Rafe gomez... he said he will play a cut from my cd...!! so everyone must listen to his show "The Groove Boutique" on saturday nights from 8:00p.m.-midnight on CD101.9!!!! or go towww.thegrooveboutique.com Please let me know if you hear one of my tunes!!! Also I want to thank my friend Steve Dina for doing a live interveiw w/ me & spinning my tune: "Behind those Eyes" & all my freinds at the radio station WXJZ 100.9 in Gainsville, Bill Elliot, John Starr, Farrell, Miriam, Zach & all the others!!! Also a shout-out to all the guys in the "Gruv", Mort, Glenn, Dan, mike, Keith & E. a.k.a. Big Poppa, Ice, D-Roc, boney (now known as "Shadow), white Soul & Easy E. much love & great playing!!!!For more info on this great band got to www.gruvtherapy.com. Another big hug to Corby Anderson, the guy who invited me & started the ball rolling!!!Great job for his CD release party!!! his website is www.corbyanderson.com We look forward to working at "Trombone Charley's", a super establisment that will have us there in June run by the lovely Wendy & music-loving Todd!!! Got to see a whole bunch of northern Florida in all it's natural splendor which gives me peace...must now prepare for the Utah trip!!!!
- hello all... things are heating up after a rather relaxing winter!!! Im off to Florida to play once again w/ my freinds: Gruvtherapy!!! Shoud be a gas because at one show we are opening for my freind Matt Marshak.. a super guitar player!!! small world!! Also, looking to see how much work down there as Id like to getout of NYC for a few months in the winter!!!Anyway, The jamaica tour is shaping up, tho bringing my own guys might not be feasible... drag....But there are super guys down there & I've already put them on "alert"... more later!!!
- Hi again, well, it's offical: The "Vendetta" is off to Salt Lake City in April! Yikes, those Mormons will be swingin" & groovin!!! :)
- Hello all!!! It's March already & Cold, cold . cold!!! Im busy promoting & booking!!! Making connections all over the world, with me soon to follow!! Im on another website run by a wonderful singer Joan Cartwright, women in jazz south florida, inc..the direct link is:www.fyicomminc.com/jazzwomen/divas2.htm this woman wrote the Freddie Hubbard tune "Sweet Return" & wants me to play it!! I will add it to my repetoire!!
- Back to freezing NYC after a wonderful, successful, musical & financial windfall of a trip to the gorgeous Island of Jamaica where I now can say I have freinds & wonderful musical counterparts!!!! What a great time!!! First of all, words cant express my gratitude to my freind & super hostess Cheryl Thompson who bent over backward to make me feel at home in her lovely apartment! Thanks a million doll! She did everything she promised & more setting me up w/ the best musicians, scheduling interveiws on both T.V & radio, getting me paid, spoiled & looked after at every gig & more.This woman is super & I look forward to returning in June!! I had the pleasure & honor of playing w/ some of the greatest musicians on the Island from the amazing vocalist Karen Smith & her husband Jackie Jackson , to the killer Guitar player Maurice Gordon & his super-trio, to Reggae legend Strangeah Cole, to phenom bassist Eddie Hauswirth & his trio, along w/ a killer band at Hedonism II (thats a whole other storey!!) led by the superlative drummer Denton McNeil. Beleive me , there is no shortage of killer musicians on this musical isle!!! A biggup to Courtney, Ruption,Pokey ,Dwayne Livingston, Chris Tyrell & others too numerous to mention!!! The weather & sunny hospitality followed where ever we went & the press coverage I am still getting is invaluable ! I met the movers & shakers of the festival (Air Jamaica) & look forward to being there next year w/ my whole band!! Thanks to all the gorgeous Jamaican women & men I met who helped make this trip a very special one!!!! Tina, Yolande,Rosemary, April , Rochelle, Joan, Karen,Carmen Beckford, Sonny Bradshaw( MY first & biggest Fan!), Don Topping (My old friend from my first visit!!) Erroll Smith,Micheal Edwards,Walter Elmore, Jimit, Minister James & all our great drivers...Much love & happiness experienced!! Also to the many old & NEW fans who purchased my CD. Thanks!!!!! Onward & upward!!!!!
- Hello all!! Im off for another musical adventure to sunny Montego Bay Jamaica, home of the biggest festival in the Carribean, The Air Jamaica Fest!!! I will be staying w/ a promoter/freind Cheryl Thompson, who is pushing for me all the way!! May Blessings abound on yet one more musical oddysey!!
- HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL!!!!! A wonderful start to the year, playing & singing it in with my band! May all good things continue in abundance!!! A great bit of news , my CD was chosen as one of the best of 2006 from The Soul-Patrol web newsletter & website!!! Thanks a bunch Bob.. click here for info! http://www.soul-Patrol.com/newsletter/2006/news12/best2006.html
- A dear friend of mine, Bruce Rose, passed away November 25th in New Orleans... a fitting city to leave from for such a musical giant. We met in 1983 & played together in countless bands thruout the decades.His tenor playing was unrivaled by many except the masters, yet he was consistantly under-employed.A common occurence in this fickle & often unyeilding music industy. His immense talent & sardonic humor will be greatly missed... Rest in Peace old friend & may your tenor be heard along w/ Dexter, Bird, Coleman Hawkins & the rest of that smokin' horn section in the sky! I now have you to look over my shoulder as I continue our musical journey...
- Hiya Gang!! (Those 3 people who actually read THIS!!!) : Just returned safe & sound from the wonderful, super Gainesville Jazz Festival in Florida!!! What a gas!! Plus I had the pleasure of traveling w/ MY band!! We are all perfectly suited to each other both musically & personally.. there is never any drama when we travel & as usual they kicked butt!!! My love to James "T"Tillson, Scott Thornton & Dave Dawson affectionately known as "Teedles, Scotty-scott-scot & Dee-D, respectively!!! anyway a big thank-you to Mr. Bill Hutchinson who took a shot on us!! He was not dissappointed! A nicer guy you couldnt meet who called me "a person of Light" . It takes one to know one Bill!! ( he's obviously very evovled too!!!!) I got to meet the lovely & pregnant Mayor of GainesVille,continued success from one Alpha female to another!!! The guys in the other band "Gruvatherapy" reached out to show us the ropes & give us some tips regarding radio ,press & backline!!! Thanks MortLake, Glenn & the gang!! Another shout out to Steve Dina of the Smooth Jazz Cafe, 100.9, 6-10 a.m. wxjz.fm who has been playing my tune "Behind those eyes"!!! Take note all you new Gainesville fans, call in & request me!!!! 352-375-1317!! I sold CD's & signed posters after the show, a real star trip!!!Fun! The headliner Bradley Leighton was great & super nice & all the bands got to hang out at the hotel, a fancy Hilton, which Im not partial to, as the windows dont open!!!(What is it w/ that????) comparing notes, talking shop & playing pool! A great ending to a wonderful & packed festival, despite the unseasonable cold snap!!! BRRRRR..The biggest crowd we've played for so far!! 5,000 people!!! Yee-hah...onward & upward!!!! Got a nice mention & a PHOTO i the Gainsville Sun! (Thanks Alice Wallace!) Lets hope the connections we made will be fruitful & multiply!!! Blessings abound!!!
- Hello all! Just back from a great two weeks in Fabulous Las Vegas!! Once again I was blessed w/ super musicians! wow, those guys are stone professionals out there right down to the black on black dress-code..& punctual!! Knew all the breaks on my tunes & sang back-up too! what a luxury!! Thanks again to Rich Steele..(Dr. Guitar), Ronee Mac On Bass ("The Reverend M.D.) & Brett Barnes on Drums (B.B. Gunn) These guys were great!!! The tunes were a bit more rock & roll, but I loved it like that!!! Anyway, The Plaza was a gas & everyone there was sweet!! Many thanks to Eric Booker for his help & hospitality & also for getting me out there!!! I also got a chance to go out in the desert & have a bit of solitude..Both Sundays Ronee took me to play in his church & I met his Pastor & another wonderful bunch of people & Musicians.. Its called Freedom Fellowship ..(will post website later) ... it seems all the churchs is Vegas have these killer bands!! How cool is that! Lastly. thanks to Mr. Ron Jackson, a freind I finally got to meet & hang out with who has had me on his great las Vegas website for a while now!!! I also got a great write up in the Las Vegas "City Life" newspaper.. will post it on my "press page".. all in all a great trip & a learning experience... I look forward to returning soon!!!
- Wow, how time flies!!! It's already the end of August!!! I have been doing this great steady gig every Friday & Saturday right here in midtown, a bicycle ride away from my apartment!!! Its at "The Gotham Comedy Club"(208 W. 23rd St.) a new, high end spot that has a lounge downstairs where we are the houseband!!! How cool is that??? A comedy club w/ music, right up my alley!!! Let's hope it will develop into a sure thing!!!! Much thanks to the owner Chris Mazzilli for giving us a shot! I have also been enjoying the summer w/ freinds all over, swimming, sailing, bar-b-ques, lakehouses (Thanks Dahlia!!) & much more!! Here's to an even better Autmnal season, as I prepare to depart for Vegas!! Let's continue to work for peace, ... "Peace Thru Music".
- Hi! Im sitting here in NYC, safe & sound (Allegedly...) as I read about bombing in Beirut... That gorgeous city by the sea where I was such an honored guest of last summer.! I have e-mailed my freind Hani, the piano player, who tells me he is safe, for now, as I hope all my freinds are.. but the summer tourist season, which most Beiuitis depend upon, is effectively dead! My prayers & wishes for peace in the middle east now are hitting closer to home as I pray that the freinds I made in that lovely city will remain safe & whole....as always, to all my fans, Pray for Peace & start in our own hearts....love, G
- Hello All!! Just back from a super, fabulous trip to sunny Jamaica!! This time to the gorgeous unspoiled south coast where fishing is still way of life!! A big up (as they say down there!) to our wonderful host Mr. Kory South, the proprietor of the beautiful sunset resort whose hospitality was unrivaled !! check out this jewel of a resort on the beach: www.sunsetresort.com We did 2 big shows outside on a stage w/ the carribean sea as a backdrop (no air conditioning!) & the stars overhead..my favorite style of concert!!! Also to my favorite emcee, Cheryl Thompson who did such a great job of intoducing us & keeping the ball rolling. Im sure both her & the wonderful Marcia Bulgin will work to get us down again for the huge Air Jamaica Fest in January! The band had some wonderful opportunities to interact w/ some other killer local & international musicians. (a big thanks to all the other acts, The Crusaders from westmoreland, Janet "Little but Tallawah", Karen Smith & the wonderful Joe Sizemore & Overboard!!). And finally to my super band James "T" Tillson on Guitar, Scott Thornton on bass & Dave "D.D." Dawson on drums, for their continued positive attitude regardless of any snafus ( an expected occurence on the road) , their upbeat (or should I say Mellow jamaican -Style!) vibe & for playing their collective As--s off!!! much love, G
- Much news.. first, the weather has finally broken & the heat is here!!! My favorite!!!! I just received yet another (my 3rd!) Billboard World Music Honorable mention for my tune "Behind Those Eyes"!! Great! We are off to Jamaica soon for my 3rd year in a row!!! yippee.. I'm going w/ my regular guys so it should be a blast!!! No divas allowed, except me!!! Next item, Im finally off to Vegas in September!!! Im going to use some local guys, one who happens to be family!!! How cool is that? My former brother in law who is a killer guitarist!! Vegas will never be the same & its a great opportunity for me to check out the local scene & meet all the musicians, plus make a little bread!!!! First stop: The Plaza Hotel & Casino, next stop I will be featured at the Mirage!!! (Just like "Showgirls!") Stay Tuned!!
- Did I say spring has arrived?? Yikes, the heat is still on here in sunny (brisk) NYC!! I just found out that there is a great interveiw w/ me done by a wonderful writer & champion of musicians: DaylleSchwartz.It came out months ago & here is the link!http://www.daylle.com/daylle/music20.htlm Thanks a bunch D!!!!
- Wow, spring is finally here w/ warm weather & blossoms everywhere!! Im on the radio live on April 13, a big Thanks to Dianne Coraddo of 21rst Century music @ WLIE, a Long Island station.. we'll be playing some trax from my CD & chatting. I did a show w/ her 4 years ago so this should be fun!!!
- Hello everyone!!! Just back from a super trip to Mexico, part pleasure, visiting my parents & part buisiness, scoping out the music scene so I could go there for the winter months!!! What a gas.. I sat in w/ a great band on Friday at a spot in Ajijic called "Melanies" a lovely poolside bar w/ outdoor music (My favorite, no air conditioning!!) ! Thanks to the great owners Francine, Bernard & Marco who continually played my CD & won me many new fans!!! talk about a groove, sitting around the pool with total strangers hearing my tunes over the system!!! Talk about a real vacation!! The band I played with was led by a great mexican singer (This guy has a voice!!) named Noe. (www.noeandtheclassics.com) A great band. I also had the pleasure of meeting one of the premier trumpet players down there named Jimmy barto & his lovely wife Susan(who has a killler baby Grand piano she's trying to sell! (susanbarto@yahoo.com) Anyway, Jimmy & I had a blast playing together on both Friday & Sunday!! While I was there another club owner named Frank (another great guy!!) hired me to play at his spot on saturday.. He has a cool music venue (great stage, lights & system) down the road called "The Howling Chihuahua"...where we played all night & fans from the Friday show piled in! Sunday was another spot, different vibe, some more killer musicians, but at a jazz spot where my parents joined us, our new fans & old freinds!! All in all, a productive & fun, happy sunny wonderful trip!! Back in NYC, things are poppin' & gigs are flowing. Just did a great cable show which should be aired in the city on April 17 @ 2:00a.m. on channel 57 for all you nightowls...(Its called the Staten Island Comedy show)..New venue on Saturday, April 1rst w/ another great new club owner & venue: Smokeys, in L.I.C. Great things coming!!!!Stay tuned!!
- Hi there!!! March already!!! Spring is around the corner, I hope!! I've been out & about sitting in w/ some killer musicians all around town, trying to drum up some more work!! great news, I will be featured on web radio! Thanks a bunch to Dave White!!! He will be playing an interveiw w/ me, along w/ my tune: "Behind Those Eyes". Go to www.Live365.com/stations/whitesterjzz I am also being played in Mexico!!! Ole!!A station at: www.dijazz.com A big Gracias to Pedro Beas!!
- Hello to all!!! Happy Valentine's Day to you lovers out there!!! I got a lovely gift...(it was sparkly, my favorite!!)... some more great shows last week, 3 in a row.. all in Manhattan, what a cool thing that was!! The band was smokin' by the 3rd night!!! wish there were more gigs in a row!!! Im still hustling for some festivals & other gigs out of the country!!! keep your fingers crossed!!! Love, G
- Hi everyone... its been a great couple of gigs in this new year!!! Looking forward to traveling again... hopefully someplaces warm & sultry!!! Nothing definate...yet!!! But "Hope Springs Eternal!" remember, peace thru music ! Much love to all...
- Happy New Year!!! What a great gig we had at "Seasons" a gorgeous spot a ways upstate,(Somers, N.Y) near Brewster!!! After battling the snow & ice on the drive up we were treat wonderfully by the proprietor of this spot : Joe Tesone... A rare breed, a super nice club-owner!!! We put on a great show with my killer band of the moment, Tee, Dave & this great bass player from japan: Tak. Its so neat how I now have a bunch of killer players & nice guys in the band now!!! What a difference & how fun gigs are again!! An auspicious start to a year shaping up to top 2005!!!! As usual, we put on a blistering show musically along w/ some beautiful outfits!!! That's " Showbiz", Dahlings!!! :) Come out & continue to support live music!! A big Thanks to all my new fans in Somers, N.Y. Peace out, G
- hI EVERYONE!!! Happy Holidays to all!!! another year has come & gone & what a great year its been!!! travel, airplay, many changes, both personally & professionally! (all good!!) & always; music, music, music!!! May 2006 bring even more success & continued perfect health !! My best wishes for peace!!!
- My prayers & blessings to my favorite city in America: New Orleans!!!! Plus all the other cities hit by the hurricane...stay strong & know that we are all praying for you..... my one contribution was a beautiful silver horn I've had for ages, sitting in my closet. I sent it to the greatest Jazz city in the world for some trumpet player to use & keep to get back on their feet...what a blessing to receive a gorgeous horn to continue to play & spread the joy of music!!!
- Hello guys, finally, some photos & press from my SUPER Beirut trip!!!! Just click on this address: http://musikuest.saidakar.com/index1.html , then click on each photo to blow up!!! & dont forget to click on "press" for all my French-speaking fans!! Arabic press soon to follow...
- Hi again, some more great news, airplay all over from Nebraska to Saratoga, Thanks again Tim & Christpher!!! Also, I am the feautured artist of the month (Honorable Mention) on the internet station "Whitester Smooth Jazz" @ WWW.LIVE365.COM Thanks a bunch Dave!!!
- Hello all!!! I am safe & sound !! Back from the gorgeous city of Beirut!!! What a gas!! So much to tell!!! First off, the city is right on the sea & hot!!! My favorite...Heat.. A special Thanks to the promoter, Waleed Akar from www.Musikuest.com & to the club owner Klalid!!! These guys made it so all went without a hitch!!! & what a band!!!!! My love & vast appreciation to the killer trio I was blessed to work with!!! The top guys in Lebanon!!! They are: Hani Siblini on keyboard, Aboud Saadi on bass & Walid Tawil on Drums!!! These guys are the best & will do my future Europe & middle East tours!!! The food was phenomanal!! Fresh & bursting w/ flavor, unlike some of the chemical ripened stuff here in the U.S.A... The people were a warm & freindly bunch, much like New Yorkers!! & they drive like the Romans!! Yikes!!! All in all, I am wishing to return soon!!! Pix to follow on the photo page...
- I'm popping up all over the globe!! Another website where I am listed. The most recent is in GermanY!! check out the "acts & Facts" section of: WWW.RADIyoo.de
- Great news stateside!!! A few new radio stations to add to my world domination plan!! :) A big shout out to Tim Durkee up in Saratoga, from star 101.3..Big jazz weekend june 24-26, & he's playing one of my tunes on his smooth jazz program, Sunday from 9-12...all you upstate fans, Tune In!! (Track 1 on my CD "Behind Those Eyes") Also a big hug to Christoper Cooke at Kios.FM out of Omaha, Ne. ! He will also be playing a few of my tunes on his show "Last Call"..Saturday nights at 11-midnight!!
- Hello all!!! Just back from another wonderful & successful tour in the lovely Island of Jamaica!!! Great weather & this time we stayed at my favorite resort: "The Hibiscus Lodge:!!!A gorgeous quaint little bit of paradise right on the carribean... The shows went without a hitch!! & many CD's were sold!!! My love to Sonny & Myrna for their help & to all my freinds down there!!
- Hi everyone!!! what a great B-day party for me @ Mobay!!! On May 19th!!! New pix on the photo page!! Joe, the owner of Mobay & all the gang there had a gorgeous cake for me!!! Plus my family, freinds, band (which is also family) & fans were on hand to celebrate!! Plus some killer musicians! (Thanks Sterling!!) Where were you????
- Hello Fans!! Where the heck is spring??? Its going on the middle of May & there is frost upstate!! Its time to move south for the winter..anyway, I must give some ink to my dear friend & magical fixer of Horns: Chucky @ "The Brass Lab" (212-243-7180) I've been taking my horns to him for 20 years!! Anyway, we are thinking of building me a special pocket trumpet!!How cool is that!! My very own personalized mini horn...Now we just have to come up w/ a name for it.. any suggestions dear readers?? This middle East gig has not been formally locked but I hope to have some info soon.... peace out!
- Hi Gang!!! Im busy here doing a bunch of great shows & having a blast! I'm so blessed to be making my living this way!! We are off to Jamaica with the whole band in June! (yikes, what a production!!) Then Im off to Beirut In July or August!!! Lovely "Paris of The mideast!") okay, so I might have to duck a bit! I will be using a band from there...uh-oh....I hope they can groove!!! But it will be an adventure, as usual & I'm making some nice "Cake"... more than I would staying stateside!! what a gas! I am excited to see the world & spread the gospel of "Ginetta's Vendetta"!!!!
- Hello!!!Im just back from a glorious, magical, successful stint on the magnificent Island of St. John!!!! I was a guest of the whiz-producer who made it all possible & is a philanthropist to the nth degree!!! Talk about a man who enjoys life & spreads that joy thru music and celebration!!! I was so blessed to be a part of it & know I will be returning to that enchanted isle once again!!! My love to Steve & Helen for being the coolest host & hostess!!! & to all the wonderful people & great musicians I had the honor & pleasure to work with!!!
- Another peice of good news, My Billboard award-winning song: "Can Out Tears Put Out The Fire?" is being used in an indie film about 2 families after 9/11.. The premiere is Saturday March 5th as part of the Irish Craic Festival. (for more info check out the film's website:WWW.American-Faces.com) It will be held at The NYU Cantor Center, 36 East. 8th street. @ 5:00p.m. $10.00
- Hey Gang!!! I'm just back from Mexico..a lovely place, hot & sunny. Unfortunately it was to visit as my Mom is not well.. please say a prayer for her as all positive thoughts & blessings count!!! I am off to the lovely island of St. John in 2 weeks to play at the Jazz & Blues Fest. I will be a guest of the wonderful promoter Steve at his opulant estate!! Also, just spoke w/ the promoter of the International Jazz fest in Ocho Rios.. he is hoping to have us back in June, depending on the sponsers!! Keep your collective fingers crossed.. All my fans in Jamaica, put your heads together so I will return!! I am currently in negotiations w/ a promoter in Lebanon (Okay, not the vacation destination of most people!!!) but still a gorgeous country! I hope to visit & spread my gospel of "Peace Thru MUsic" They are having some unrest there so, as usual, Pray For Peace!!! G
- Happy New Year! Peace & blessings to the world, although these weather patterns are starting to freak me out a bit! Tsunamis, snow in vegas & california, constant rain in the desert...hope my CD goes platinum before the earth falls off it's axis!! :) Anyway, back to more pressing events :), just got some news from Las Vegas, my favorite town!! We might be doing something out there, finally!! Check me out on the homepage of a major booking agency out there! www.catchtomorrowstars.com , I am starting to pop up all over the world!! please order your CD today!! Peace thru music, Ginetta
- HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL!!! 2005 is shaping up to be a year of wonder! Not only will I be in St. John for the blues festival featuring women in music in March, but just got word that I will also be going to Australia in the late summer!! (late summer over here that is!!)Check out www.musicbiz_-7.com under "coming events".. There I am!! Anyway, keep your spirits up during the holiday season & beyond. No matter who you voted for!! Again, support live music, as we need it more than ever!!! Love, Ginetta
- Hello to my fans!! Remember the election is coming up!!! So vote for peace!!Anyway,we had a great few gigs, first at our regular spot, "Mobay" up in Harlem & then on Friday, Oct. 22, at one of the biggest & most beautiful clubs in Hartford, Conn. called "Vibez Uptown"(860-214-0991) no website yet, but let me tell you, this spot is a Class Act!! Also, a wonderful thank you to the main man there, Mr. Lance James!!He treated me like the star I am..(Just waiting for the uninitiated to realize it!!P.s. if you're reading this then you are obviously on the inside track!) Big stage, great sound system. private dressing room sound man the whole nine!! This is the type of venue we will be working in all over the country.. anyway I was there cuz October is "Diva" Month & who better to represent a Diva than yours truely!!? anyway, needless to say they loved us! We will be back sometime in February. keep you posted. Also kudos to my band that night too.! (Johnny, Bobby & Charles, ( a conn. local on drums.) Order your CDnow..
- Hi!!! I now have another BILLBOARD WORLD SONG HONORABLE MENTION!! I received it in the mail on September 21 (The Autumnal Equinox) a sign of great things to come!! Its for my tune "I Beleive In You".. a upbeat, latin number! Order the CD & listen! I will also be a guest at the 2005 St John's Blues Festival, on the gorgeous Island of St. John (duh!), as a guest of the promoter Steve Simon. A cool guy! I will not be with the band, but as a guest artist! Should be a gas! Many thanks also to Chris Smith of "The Daily Mail", who has so far written 2 nice articles on me in his paper!! Thanks a bunch dude! Im on my way to the lovely city ofToronto to schmooze & hang, and scout the place for future gigs, festivals, etc. Please support live music! I was upstate on October 2,with my killer band and there were not alot of people in the club!! Its tough playing to an almost empty room!!(not for long though!) Go see live bands! Its a way to fight the mass numbing of America's physche!!! Also, vote!! For!! Peace!!! Ciao, Ginetta
- Hello Fans!! (all 4 of you!! Ha!) July has been shaping up as a fun & successful month! many happenings & opportunities! I'd like to thank Joe Zupan at WICN in the Boston area for playing my cd & also for the wonderful phone interveiw he conducted live on his program to promote my Boston show! It was a first for me(In the states!) & it actually workes to bring one or two fans to our show at "Ryles" in Boston! That was a trip & a half!! Fun & a killer band! It would not have been possible without help from my lovely sister & brother in law who put some of us up & also generously contributed to the cause!! Speaking of which, we have a van in sight but we need some cash flow to get iton the road!! Please buy my cd & spread the word!!! as usual, peace thrumusic, G
- Hello!! We are back safe & sound from a very successful trip in Jamaica!!! I was finally treated like the star I am & my band also!! Everyone was so gracious & accomodating , plus the concerts went off w/out a hitch..There were T.V cameras,radio & print interveiws,our own drivers & a gorgeous hotel overlooking the water! This is the life!!!Also, my new CD "La Dolce Vita" w/ 2 new tunes on it is now available!!! Ciao for now.. also new photos from the trip to be put up soon..or as they say in Jamaica "soon come!"
- Happy May Day (Beltane)!! Just went into the studio to finally record one of my new tunes, plus a super arrangement I also did of the classic, "My Funny Valentine", which I will add to the current CD!! All the more reason to order one!!c'mon everyone, this music is great, made with real musicians!! :)Also, received contract from Jamaica today so "Full speed ahead"..that beautiful island will never be the same! peace y'all!!! G
- Finally, warm spring-like weather coming up!!! We have been busy locally which is a blessing!! Also we are very excited about our upcoming shows in Jamaica!! Playing at the Ocho Rios Jazz Fest in June! They are flying the whole band!! I just know good things will come from that!!! I just sold another cd online today, so slowly, but surely the word is spreading. also, I have the beautiful new stickers that were designed by my brother. They have the band's name and then my logo "Peace Through Music".. hopefully it will prove to be true!!
- Happy almost spring everybody!! Thankfully a crop of local shows have sprung up meaning I am now working in my neighborhood!! How cool is that? no harrowing drives or departure points to race to! I am also writing some more which is wonderful! Please check out the performance page for all show dates!!! Peace thru Music, Ginetta
Hello! I am madly hustling to book some more shows and summer festivals. Also looking for some backers (anyone interested??) to help with the recording of some new stuff!! Please feel free to contact me ! Hope to see you at one of our shows, locally or not! I will have some cool new stickers to pass out so we can blanket every toll booth from here to Alaska!!!(Is that Legal??) Peace thru music, G
- Hiya Gang! Its me again.. its now February and I am doing my vocal training madly to get back on my beam!! New shows coming up soon! Am currently negotiating with several festivals to bring The Vendetta to the world. Until then you can now purcahse the C.D. w/out your credit card by sending check or money order to: G.Minichiello, 51 W. 11th Street, Suite # 5, NYC, NY 10011. If you prefer to pay by creditcard go to www.nightcastrecords.com Thats all for now folks!!!!! Peace out.G
- Hello again! We just got back from a great trip to Block Island, R.I. this weekend!!!! But the trip up to catch the ferry was an amazing feat!!!! We had 3 hours to get on board the last boat to the island and due to some amazing driving from our guitar player, Johnny, we made it w/ 9 minutes to spare!!!! Unbeleivably, the trip back took twice as long. The travel Gods wre with us, again! The show, as usual, was smokin' and the locals were dancing up a storm!!! We also had the most amazing place to stay thanks to the great club-owner(An oxymoron...) We look forward to returning when the weather is more hospitable.. Back in NYC, life proceeds..
- Dont forget to order your C.D., I will soon have a P.O. box for folks who are leery of credit-card scams..(I dont blame you!)
- Hello everyone, I am starting to keep a newsletter going to keep all my fans (both of them! Ha!) apprised pf the bands activities!!!! We had a great gig on New Years eve and another super gig on Jan> (th at a real Jazz club where people actually listened! This week we are on our way to Block Island to wow those staid New Englanders. More on that trip next week. There are no new gigs in the works for a while as I am currently taking a short break to give my voice a rest!!!! Not for long though!!!! I will write again soon. Meanwhile enjoy my c.d. and pass it on, or order one!!!!!!
Peace thru music. Ginetta
contactinfo: Ginettasvendetta@aol.com
Ps. I love to hear from musiclovers!!!!!